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Welcome to Atari 8-bit Forever site


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Hello atarians,


You are welcome again to visit my pages. I added forum recently for anybody for topics about Atari, comments and critics about my site, anything you like to talk about.


Today new update was done with full list of APX software, Analog 1985, 1986 issues and more... Check the news: http://freeweb.siol.net/diomedes/news.htm. Forum is on http://www.phpbb88.com/atari8bit/


Best regards,


Edited by Gury
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Hello atarians,


You are welcome again to visit my pages. I added forum recently for anybody for topics about Atari, comments and critics about my site, anything you like to talk about.


Today new update was done with full list of APX software, Analog 1985, 1986 issues and more... Check the news: http://freeweb.siol.net/diomedes/news.htm. Forum is on http://www.phpbb88.com/atari8bit/


Best regards,



I know we are in the Retro Business, but shouldn't those dates in the Change/News Log of your Webpage be in 2006 not 2005? ;)



Edited by cas
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Hi Carmel,


Unfortunatelly I don't have any of them. Even if I had one, I would have to ask the owner of the publishing rights how to introduce such material to the others. Kevin Savetz has rights, so the legal source is mentioned above. Anyway, the material hi owns is great.


I hope to make available the articles from Slovenian magazine Moj Mikro, which published some articles for 400/800/XL/XE from 1984 to 1991. If it becomes reality, I will publish them on this forum. The articles were very good, covered topics were from graphics, pmg, sound, etc., most listings in Atari BASIC and machine language if any.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi all,


You are welcome to visit my updated site http://gury.atari8.info/. Games library is completely revised and updated with 4600 games and big array of game categories to search by. Now you can download most games and source code, search by year... 300 games are migrated from Source code library. Books library grown for 110 books more, with many cover scans included. Music and Picture sections reorganized, Demos is now demos/intros library, with screenshots only, downloads will be available later. I inlcuded very short tutorial for everybody who didn't use Atari800Win before. You can also read about developers and their work and interesting events they came across (John Pilge and Jon Snyder).


My thanks to Jurgi, who is helping me a lot with useful material and links, corrections of data and hunting down bugs. Many thanks also to Carsten Strotmann for letting me use cover scan of books, Fandal and Kaz for links to their downloads (Homesoft and online magazine links already existed). I think duplicating files is waste of space, so links are the right way.


Software details are down for a while, but they will be ready soon. Please contact me for any comments/amendments you have for me, I listen.


Be good :)


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Good job. A few days ago, I enter in Atarimania and see that exists an option to let view only screenshots.

This is a powerful feature, because if you don't know Atari games by name you can view the screenshots and select the game from your interest. Its easy, funny and nice. You count with two screenshoots for every game, I think you can add an option to view a giant list of couple screenshots with the game name, year, and other little data.


I'll continue exploring the new enhancements.

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Good job. A few days ago, I enter in Atarimania and see that exists an option to let view only screenshots.

This is a powerful feature, because if you don't know Atari games by name you can view the screenshots and select the game from your interest. Its easy, funny and nice. You count with two screenshoots for every game, I think you can add an option to view a giant list of couple screenshots with the game name, year, and other little data.


I'll continue exploring the new enhancements.

Thank you for the tip, Allas. It will be done! I saw something similar also on Commodore Lemon site. Additional missing facility is documentation, which will also be included. Books library does have it, but as downloadable files (PDF...) on some entries. Next step is to enlarge source code library considerably, with new listings and revised categories.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,


The missing software details are back online, with new category - Genealogy. All libraries will grow even more, reference cards will get new topics soon. The change log system is activated again, which will help us to check any amendments to the libraries easily. The example from this site update (also shown in News section): http://gury.atari8.info/change_log/change_...60914191305.htm


Use Refresh button in browser if you get older page contents, because the update was made some hours ago.



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  • 2 months later...

Thanks to all who helped me so far in bringing information for my site. This is my last update this year, with some minor changes to happen next year before a new big update, with lots of changes in layout, new information and new sections. Stay tuned!


"Atari And Beyond The Infinite"

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  • 2 months later...

A few days ago, I enter in Atarimania and see that exists an option to let view only screenshots.

This is a powerful feature, because if you don't know Atari games by name you can view the screenshots and select the game from your interest. Its easy, funny and nice. You count with two screenshoots for every game, I think you can add an option to view a giant list of couple screenshots with the game name, year, and other little data.


I'll continue exploring the new enhancements.


Hello everybody,


Now game screenshots view is implemented by switching Screenshots ON / OFF. I finally reached 5000 titles for games and 1000 for demos. There is more to come, also source code, software, books and hardware libraries will be largerly revised and updated. And other things will be added to the site, sometime later.


Update news are, as usual, on http://gury.atari8.info/news.htm



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  • 3 weeks later...

I am glad you like it. This is just the beginning of completely revised update sometime??? later with additional stuff and information. In the meantime, the screenshot update has just begun with eliminating artifact images. Also, My repository section is now active. My friend suggested me to make use of tooltips in change logs, in case more changes are done and going lower on the page the header disappears and you probably lose track on where you are. Now you can simply move a mouse over check box and it will show you exactly which field was changed. I hope it works for your favourite browser.

Example from News section: http://gury.atari8.info/change_log/change_...70325151254.htm


Good day

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all,


New update:

- changed layout in News section for more readable overview of new updates

- Homecomputer and Computronic magazines added in Magazines section

- Cartridge category added (if you have info about any software dealing with cartridges, please tell me about it, I would really appreciate it)



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Nice update Gury. I like the screenshot feature. I often use Atarimania's when searching for something, I find it really useful when searching for that game when you can't remember the title.


It's really cool that people are keeping their sites up to date and constantly striving to improve them. This is what helps to keep the Atari community alive :thumbsup:

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I am pleased you like it. Thank you for the mail you sent me. Yes, my forum disappeared and now I am thinking to link it with Atari Age forum, because it is the best. Also, I plan to link Atari chat to your chatroom, Pengwin, because it is better to have one cool nice place, which is stable and visited on regular basis.

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I am pleased you like it. Thank you for the mail you sent me. Yes, my forum disappeared and now I am thinking to link it with Atari Age forum, because it is the best. Also, I plan to link Atari chat to your chatroom, Pengwin, because it is better to have one cool nice place, which is stable and visited on regular basis.


Great ideas. I think I will add the forum button back to my site, linking it directly to AtariAge. Amazed I didn't think of that myself.

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I've added the forum button to my menu now, damn it makes my life a little easier...as Krazy Pengwin's 8-bit Home is my home page, I can now access the forum with one click instead of hunting through my bookmarks :)

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I am really amazed with the stuff you already bought on eBay.


I was/am on a mission to get my retro collection back together. I can't believe I sold most of it only a few years ago.


What I'm really after at the moment is a copy of Spellbound by Mastertronic.


I'm also after advice for transferring tape software to disk. Particularly commercial titles. Is there anything that can handle this?

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Hello Pengwin! I like your new avatar,but I still think the slapping penguin .jpg I sent you was neat!


Atari Forever!


Thanks Dinosaur. I tried to get the slapping penguin you sent me into a small enough gif, but I couldn't get it to the forums requirements, otherwise, I would have used it :D

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  • 4 months later...

Gury, I have been watching your site since you first started it, and I just recently logged back on and checked it. You have done an amazing job.


COuld you make a CDROM that contains all the software (and whatever else of the content you can fit on it?)


I'd pay for it, as Im sure others would. I relaize that a good bit of it is remotely linked, and not actually hosted locally on your site. This is a smart approach where web-hosting bandwidth is concerned. Still, if someone could archive and catalog it all on a single CD, that would be well worth buying, to me.


If youve ever been active in the AMIGA scene, you may have scene the huge archive known as AMINET. It is mirrored on MANY domains and you can subscribe to the semi-annual CD which contains all of the latest uploaded content.

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