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Stuff from Forever 7


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I was surprised that "Deathlord" won compo,i didn't expect this.Because i gave this screen on the principle of the contrast to "candy" Wally Race. "Dlord" is made for diffrent project and i added this picture on last minute.

Personally i like "Victory" , "Borg" and ..Wally ;)


Here is G2f files.


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I was surprised that "Deathlord" won compo,i didn't expect this.Because i gave this screen on the principle of the contrast to "candy" Wally Race. "Dlord" is made for diffrent project and i added this picture on last minute.

Personally i like "Victory" , "Borg" and ..Wally ;)


Here is G2f files.



Actually, the impression of the Victory picture is better. But, I have to grand, you have the right feeling for giving colours in the DLord piccy. Wally is a bit paradox in the colour usage.


So the order seems almost correct :)

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By 'New' or Advanced coding techniques, i meant taking the sound/gfx hardware to it's limits (and beyond), i.e, higher rez gfx , more colours (512/4096)

Uh more colors are usually achieved through alternating frames with different colors. Seriously, I wouldn't call it "advanced" to display some flickering crap.

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as FLI, IFLI, etc... ;), Frön?

FLI doesn't flicker. IFLI (Interlace FLI) is the flickering part here, and I don't like it. Even though the flickering here is not there to achieve more colors, but to raise the resolution since a horizontal half-pixel-shift is involved too (just like real Interlace).




For those who don't know: FLI is the mode which gives the C64 a 160x200 mode with almost free use of all 16 colors. IFLI is just two FLI frames alternating, combined with a hires pixel shift to have some pseudo 320x200 resolution (one frame for the odd and the other frame for the even pixels).

Edited by Fröhn
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On NTSC machine and TV, the flickering is practical inexistent on this special modes.

NTSC demo scene hardly exists and only old TV sets have phosphors with long afterglow, so flickering is reduced. New TVs, especially 100 Hz TVs will perfectly display the flickering.

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