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Using a PC PSU for your Atari


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Does anyone here use a PC power supply for their Atari?


I'm thinking of doing so (just for the computer).


Either an old AT style (have a few spares, and might put it inside some type of enclosure.


Or, a nice little slimline ATX one (although it's only a 100 Watter, but should be heaps for a 130XE).


Also, can the 1050 be modded to run on one too, or does the drive mech use some non-standard setup?

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Does anyone here use a PC power supply for their Atari?


I'm thinking of doing so (just for the computer).


Either an old AT style (have a few spares, and might put it inside some type of enclosure.


Or, a nice little slimline ATX one (although it's only a 100 Watter, but should be heaps for a 130XE).


Also, can the 1050 be modded to run on one too, or does the drive mech use some non-standard setup?


Yeah you can use the 5v side of a PC psu to run an 800XL no prob.


It is also technically feasible to run a 1050 off of the 5v and 12v signals on a PC PSU, but the problem your gonna have is that the 1050 controller board has its own internal voltage regulators and rectification circuits. Youd have to remove/disable all that stuff on the board, and then you could wire in the 5v and 12v supply wires to run it. Basically, it could be done, but its a big hassle, and its not gonna look pretty.


What would be alot easier is to add a second 5v regulator to the 1050 board, and have a wire exiting the back of the drive , over to the 800XL's power connector. This way, you'd be powering the 800XL off of the 1050, and only need a single AC "plug-in" for the whole system.

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You can easily use the 1050 on a PC-PSU. You don't even have to remove the PSU-stuff on the 1050.

Just put the +5V on TP13 (testpoint, little pins on the 1050-pcb), 0V on TP15 and +12V on TP14.

The power does not enter the 1050-psu stuff backwards, the drive stays completely cool.


If you wire the 5V from your PC-PSU over the original powerswitch of the 1050 (cut the traces) you can

switch your 1050 on/off as before. The 12V is only needed for the motors. You can undo the mod easily.


I have put out the big "spoiler" and the big condensators, too. The rest i left in.


Runs fine!






PS: Remember that PC-PSU require a minimum load on the 5V line. I put a 12v/25W halogen bulb

inside of the PSU for this. Dont use it without load - it may fail or blow out 20V on the 12V line or whatever.

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You can easily use the 1050 on a PC-PSU. You don't even have to remove the PSU-stuff on the 1050.

Just put the +5V on TP13 (testpoint, little pins on the 1050-pcb), 0V on TP15 and +12V on TP14.

The power does not enter the 1050-psu stuff backwards, the drive stays completely cool.


If you wire the 5V from your PC-PSU over the original powerswitch of the 1050 (cut the traces) you can

switch your 1050 on/off as before. The 12V is only needed for the motors. You can undo the mod easily.


I have put out the big "spoiler" and the big condensators, too. The rest i left in.


Runs fine!






PS: Remember that PC-PSU require a minimum load on the 5V line. I put a 12v/25W halogen bulb

inside of the PSU for this. Dont use it without load - it may fail or blow out 20V on the 12V line or whatever.


Heh. Well, I wouldnt reccomend that. You can try it at your own risk. I did exactly that with a 1050 one time because it had a bad regulator and I didint have the parts to fix it, and I needed it because I was in the middle of a big coding project.


It worked fine for a few hours, and then one of the big caps inside it blew and made a mess all over the board.


Possibly my diodes were bad as well, but Im just sayin, all 1050s are approaching 20 years old ore more...

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