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Spy Hunter 5200 "review"


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I received this last night and was pretty impressed with this game. It's everything i remembered Spy Hunter being with a few suprises. I forgot that the car can go over water as a boat.


The starting music is done well on the 5200 and the music will loop again once you enter one of the power up trucks. I thought the graphics were decent for a 5200 game, especially the trees and stuff, they looked pretty good, even the cars looked nice for as small as they were.


The gameplay though takes some getting used to with the 5200 controller, i found myself having to play the game at about medium speed until i was used to the controller. At the highest speed, it's very easy to go out of control, but once you get used to the controller sensitivity then you'll be fine. All in all, i don't think the gameplay is a factor in this game, its not the programmings fault that its hard to get used to at first.


Now here comes the things i didn't like. First of all, the only way i can figure out to score points is to ram the cars, which are few and far between. Shooting them gives you "NO POINTS" at the top of the screen. Since I haven't played this game in a very long time, i don't know if its supposed to be like that or not. It seems most of the game is just driving, like i said, there are not many enemy cars at all, you get 1 or 2, then drive for a while before encountering another 1.


Glitches: this is the fun part, i found 1 glitch and 1 funny thing from this game. The funny thing is there is one semi truck that the design looks like a penis and balls. again, i don't know if this is a normal graphic or not. The glitch i found was when destroying a semi that is below you with a special weapon, the blow up graphic stays on the screen until you die. So the entire time your driving there is a flame following you.



I would still recommend this game to anybody though, it seems pretty good to me and even though there's not a lot of enemies, its still a fun game.

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What happens is that you have unlimited lives until the timer runs out, however, you need to score 10,000 points in the timer period to get additional lives. IIRC, you only get 1 life outside the timer period by default.

Edited by Inky
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The following applies to the arcade version of Spy Hunter. I know that it also applies to the Apple II port, so I'm assuming the same holds true for the Atari 8bit port.


In addition to destroying enemy cars, you also get points just for driving. You can tell by watching your score rack up the longer you stay on the road. However, if you destroy a non-enemy vehicle, you temporarily lose the ability to score any points. This is why "NO POINTS" appears on the scoreboard. For as long as that message is there, you aren't gaining any extra points for driving or for anything else. Obviously, you'll want to destroy as few non-enemy cars as possible, to keep your score from being hurt too much.


Non-enemy vehicles are the ones that aren't dark blue (and aren't trying to kill you). This includes the red Toyota-like cars, the light blue VW-like cars, and the motorcycles. Destroying the weapons van is also a no-no.


Once the timer runs out, you score an extra car every X number of points. I believe X is 10,000 (and it looks like Inky is confirming this), but I don't remember for certain.

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yeah i wish, i'm sure my boss would enjoy me taking half a personal day to go home and play Spy Hunter on my 5200. After explaining what a 5200 is, i'm sure they'd let me go :)

Just say "I'm gonna go home and play gams. You wanna come?"

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