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I'd like to know when the heck he's going to release it. I've read on a few emulation sites that it was recently completed.

I read sometime least year that he will not release it on cartridge. It was agreed by him and rockstar He has the only cartridge version of the game.

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I read sometime least year that he will not release it on cartridge. It was agreed by him and rockstar He has the only cartridge version of the game.

AFAIK, it was nevered intended for cart release from the very start, only emulation. To this end, he has always and as of the last website update said it would be released publicly for free when completed.


I can only venture to guess either the reports were wrong, or something else is going on. Maybe the game itself was done, but not the mapper. I know his plan was to write a customer mapper for some reason, despite the fact that the game works using default mappers. Then he has to write a few plugins for the more popular PC emulators (hopefully, someone will port the mapper to xbox emulators.)

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Back in 1984 Synapse released a 400/800 game called New York City: The Big Apple. The focus was completely different from GTA, but a big part of it was driving around a huge overhead map of NYC, complete with traffic. You could get in wrecks, other cars would get in multi-car pileups, tow trucks would show up and tow wrecked cars away, you could get out of your car and run around on foot (and get hit by traffic)... it was pretty elaborate for the time.




Graphics weren't so good though.

Edited by ZylonBane
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Back in 1984 Synapse released a 400/800 game called New York City: The Big Apple. The focus was completely different from GTA, but a big part of it was driving around a huge overhead map of NYC, complete with traffic. You could get in wrecks, other cars would get in multi-car pileups, tow trucks would show up and tow wrecked cars away, you could get out of your car and run around on foot (and get hit by traffic)... it was pretty elaborate for the time.




Graphics weren't so good though.



Looks like the basis for a GTA. Colors are murderous like you mentioned.

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wonder if it could be ported over to the 5200.



It sure could. Ask the user "classics", His plate is pretty full but I'm sure he would put it on the conversions "to do" list. I actually think all the A8 games that are not totally keyb. reliant have a chance to be converted and work on the 5200 (?) but I might be off on that one as I don't know the particulars on all the A8 games.

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I actually think all the A8 games that are not totally keyb. reliant have a chance to be converted and work on the 5200 (?)

...or require more than 16K of RAM, or a disk drive, or OS functions.


How far do you want to go? :)


Any OS functionality required could be absorbed into the game code.


Any RAM required greater than 16k could be built into the cartridge (at least that's my assumption, but hey, if the 2600 can do it...).


Any required features provided by a disk drive could be worked around in the cartridge (bank switching for more storage, battery back-up for non-volatile dynamic storage, etc.).


The question becomes, would it be worth it?

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The question becomes, would it be worth it?

That question needs to be asked far more often around here. I see these concepts like "let's make a 512K booster for the 2600 that costs a hundred bucks and that way we can port a shitty version of Super Mario Bros to it" and just shake my head.

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The question becomes, would it be worth it?

That question needs to be asked far more often around here. I see these concepts like "let's make a 512K booster for the 2600 that costs a hundred bucks and that way we can port a shitty version of Super Mario Bros to it" and just shake my head.

Wait, what? Who's doing that? That's gonna be awesome!!!111!!1






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It's clear it could be done but obviously the graphics would not be very pretty. It certainly would be a better effort on the 7800.


Honestly I alawys thought GTA would have been a great Apple II game title : )

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I'm finally having the breakdown. I don't understand how someone can look at great modern games and say "I wish they could be a lot worse on a system that can't handle it. That'd be so cool."


Making classic games for classic systems under the old school parameters is all fun, but damn . . .

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I'm finally having the breakdown. I don't understand how someone can look at great modern games and say "I wish they could be a lot worse on a system that can't handle it. That'd be so cool."


Making classic games for classic systems under the old school parameters is all fun, but damn . . .

Well...if you only want to pick games that a machine can "handle," then you'd presumably argue against the development of Thrust+, Space Instigators, Strat-O-Gems, Marble Craze, and just about every other 2600 homebrew. :ponder:


I mean, there is a line there somewhere, but I don't think it is so clear cut just *where* that line is, and some really cool things have been created by people who really pushed the line.

Edited by vdub_bobby
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Those games don't require any additional hardware, they just make excellent use of the system's capabilities. I enjoy that sort of effort. If a 2600 homebrew can be stuck into a standard cart and played on my original system then obviously the machine can handle it.

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Those games don't require any additional hardware, they just make excellent use of the system's capabilities. I enjoy that sort of effort. If a 2600 homebrew can be stuck into a standard cart and played on my original system then obviously the machine can handle it.

Ok, I understand what you're saying a little better.


But still...Thrust+, Marble Madness, Strat-O-Gems, etc. all use 16K+ carts. Hardly "standard."


And what about A Davie's Boulderdash demo?


I dunno...

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I mean, look at Yar's revenge... Started out as a port of Star CVastle, HSW decided it couldn't be done, but he took many of the elements of hte game, and created something pretty original.


You could create something with some of the elements of GTA,but creaete something totally original around it, given the platform's limitations.

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I think 16K is pushing it a bit, but we did see this sort of thing back in the classic days so no harm no foul. But beyond that i just don't see the point.


I thought that the purpose of homebrews was to re-imagine what might have been at the time, not what we can do today by attaching an iPod to an Odyssey2.

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The question becomes, would it be worth it?

That question needs to be asked far more often around here. I see these concepts like "let's make a 512K booster for the 2600 that costs a hundred bucks and that way we can port a shitty version of Super Mario Bros to it" and just shake my head.


My thoughts exactly..to an extent.


While Grand Theftendo is indeed a noble effort, I doubt it would mean anything on the 5200. Also, Rockstar would probably file an injuction to stop carts from being sold.

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