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Now this is great...


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I was an A&D counselor for teens for several years, and one day for group I broke out the 7800 version of Ms Pac-Man and had the group split up into twos. When I pulled out the 7800, everyone was like "what he heck is that? Atari sux!" So I was like "OK, I'll put it up!" "NOOOOOO!!!"


So I had one person face away from the screen with the joystick, the other one directed his/her partner with words as he looked at the screen. Anyways, we concluded group with a lesson in communication. My boss was shocked/kinda pissed at first... but everyone enjoyed it and my boss let me continue.


It became so popular that I did it once more with Galaga. They wanted me to leave the system so they could play it during the night, but I drew the line there. I think people get really excited when they see a system so old... must bring back memories.



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