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I did one of these as a kid. The nice part was that I made sure I didn't damage any of the trackball parts so that I could put the track ball back in. Had to sacrafice a joystick though. :( The trackball was too expensive back then to wreck. Not that there cheap now.


Now someone has to make a steering wheel out of one like Dan Kramer, the designer of the trackball, wanted to do. The hard part is finding a small, light-weight, wheel. So far the only one I can think of is the Coleco one.




What about using a driving controller or paddle inside a trakball shell and attaching an older steering wheel to it? That's the easiest alternative I can think of (unless someone is sitting on a stash of arcade steering wheels and lets them go cheap).


I'd like to use trackball mechanism if I can. I think that was Dan Kramers intent as well. He has mention that he designed the trackball so that it could be converted to a steering wheel. It would be great to be able to talk to him and get more details about it.



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  • 10 months later...

That's what I was looking for! Thanks for the inspiration.


I had a not perfect trakball, and a bad controller (bad buttons) and thought I would give it a try. I had the joystick hanging out for a while to make sure I reassembled it properly. By leaving the joystick outside of the trakball, you could keep the Trakball intact.

I am thinking aobut adding a 2600 DB9 connector to the side of the case so it could be used with standard 2600 contollers. I know I am only stating the obvious but the same could be done to a regular Trakball. I like the idea of adding arcade fire buttons; I might have to locate some.

I used a dremel to remove the inside of the trakball and the bottom of the controller.

I saw your post while looking for information on controller modifications. The first mod. was a variation of "Shawn Sr." Paddle contoller. The buttons are "Start", "*" and "#". I had to add a piece of thicker plastic to the lower half to be able to drill and give clearance for the buttons. The buttons are hot glued into place. Thanks for the inspirations! :)


Edited by Geotrick
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Nice job! It looks much neater than my mine:)


I really happy with my Frankenstick. I play the 5200 much more often since I made it. The joy of never having to clean the fire/start buttons is a huge plus too.


I was thinking about adding arcade fire buttons one of these days too.

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Thanks! It's a nice solution for single controller games (I play Robotron a lot). I find that I have a lot better cornering in Ms. Pacman.

The arcade buttons sure would come in handy when playing Bezerk.

The standard buttons are a little stiff.

Thanks again for the inspiration and the praise!

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