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Atari800win + and the '816 processor

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Just curious as to whether or not Jaskier will be incorporating an '816' mode in the next beta of atari800win+


I heard rumours that the people behind some of the pop. c64 emu's are looking at ways of adding an '816' mode to their c64 emu's


I am sure it would be feasable to do this on atari800win+ or atari++


It might generate addit. interest in those looking to get '816' upgrades for their A8 setup's

Edited by carmel_andrews
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I'd prefer improvement on the existing platforms. Like:


- cycle exact POKEY timers (instead of scanline)

- expansion schemes for Atari 800 like 64K and 1 meg.

- flash cartridge emulation with write-protect on/off option.

- full emulation of overscan (ie - Wide screen DMA)



- option for DirectX "stretch" ie - sizable window which expands the Atari screen

- play sounds when in full CPU acceleration

- "normal" keyboard emulation - ie buffer keystrokes and pass them along instead of the "one key at a time" method.

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I'm not sure about 800 ram expansion capability, the only programs that emulated that were v. early spartados's and v. early mydos's


Other then that v. few proggies supported a800 bankswitching, conversely the xl/xe bankswitch mode wqas at least supported


What I would like to see though is a resizeable window in windowed mode (like Gens offers), the options at the mo. are either too small or too big

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I'd prefer improvement on the existing platforms. Like:


- cycle exact POKEY timers (instead of scanline)

- expansion schemes for Atari 800 like 64K and 1 meg.

- flash cartridge emulation with write-protect on/off option.

- full emulation of overscan (ie - Wide screen DMA)



- option for DirectX "stretch" ie - sizable window which expands the Atari screen

- play sounds when in full CPU acceleration

- "normal" keyboard emulation - ie buffer keystrokes and pass them along instead of the "one key at a time" method.

I'd just add that it would be nice to have a "PAL emulation" mode like that in WinVICE C64 emulator. It looks really awesome and is very true to a real TV set. If that is not currently possible, at least it would be fine if Scanline and Smooth stretching modes could be turned on simultaneously.

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  • 2 weeks later...
or how does dracos being debugged? on real machine without a real debugger?


Yes, on a real machine. Speaking of that, I never use an emulator for development, this wouldn't be convenient. And for the ROM OS you don't need a debugger - if something is screwed, you'll sooner or later notice (provided that you actually use the machine, that is, like I do).

Edited by drac030
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or how does dracos being debugged? on real machine without a real debugger?


Yes, on a real machine. Speaking of that, I never use an emulator for development, this wouldn't be convenient. And for the ROM OS you don't need a debugger - if something is screwed, you'll sooner or later notice (provided that you actually use the machine, that is, like I do).


Speaking of Drac OS, is there any way I can get ahold of plans and a copy of this yet (the 65816 CPU and OS upgrade)? Also, will it all work on an NTSC machine?


Stephen Anderson

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Speaking of Drac OS, is there any way I can get ahold of plans and a copy of this yet (the 65816 CPU and OS upgrade)? Also, will it all work on an NTSC machine?


The OS should work on an NTSC machine no problem.


The files for Warp4 upgrade can be downloaded here: http://drac030.krap.pl/warp4.zip I am not a hardware guy, so I can't tell you what to do with them.


Also, a warning: Warp4 is _not_ the famous and awaited F7 accelerator board. The Warp4 upgrade just provides the 65C816 CPU and 1 MB of fast linear memory, but the first 64k is still clocked at 1,77 MHz, so old programs will work identically. The Warp4 advantage is that it is equipped with linearly addressable RAM past the first 64k, and this RAM is clocked at 7,14 MHz, so it can be seen as a cheaper version of the (not yet released) F7 or the HyperSpeed XL/XE.


The F7 according to the author is about to be released now. I mailed the author and got a reply at 7th March that some units will be produced "in about six weeks".

Edited by drac030
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