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Hacking Galaxian into Galaga how hard would it be?


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Galaga is my favorite arcade game of all time. I have been hoping that Eduardo would make Galaga for the Colecovision. If anyone makes Galaga for the 5200 I would buy it. I am planning on buying the arcade game soon but I still would like to have a version for both the Colecovision and the 5200.


Totally agreed and count me in as wanting a copy of this game. Being one of my very favorite games I like to play it on the different systems we have to compare them as well. Dorky as it maybe Galaga and Tetris are games I can play for hours and enjoy it every time!

I even *had to* get a Galaga T Shirt when I saw it, and wore it to the Philly convention with pride last year and recieved a few compliments on it even *blush*. :D My Favorite Shirt

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I like to support homebrew developers when i can and support the 8-bit conversions for the 5200, the 5200 is my favorite classic console that stays hooked up to a TV at all times. Galaga on the 7800 sucks. the collision detection is horrible which makes the game very frustrating at times watching bullets go right through the bad guys.


And Nova, your comments are exactly what cause Homebrewers to turn away from doing what they do. Hacking, starting from scratch, homebrew is still a project started by a particular person to satisfy his own need and if nice enough, share with the community. Most homebrewers do this out of their own time with little to no compensation. Being a member of the GP32 forums, i know this all to well and have seen coders stop coding for systems because of 1 or 2 people with attitudes that you have. If you don't like the idea, then don't comment on it. If someone picks up the project then community should support the person regardless.

Oh, I don't think they stop coding. They just stop sharing publicly because of the idiots that piss them off. I'm sure they still share amongst their friends. Most guys who code for the old systems do it, as you say, to satisfy their own need, and they are driven to do it. It is a hobby, It's a passion. I am greatful (did I spell that right?) for the hackers and homebrewers. Their work keeps me interested too.


I am a controller freak. I haven't built anything lately as I'm uber-busy with work and remodeling my house (will that ever be done?) but I sit here late at night drawing contraptions that I WANT to build. I built controllers since 1980 and it was very gratifying.

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... I'm just saying that it makes no sense to me. Especially the idea that a shitty Galaxian port could become anything other than a really shitty Galaga hack.

You could expend the effort to fix Galaxian 5200 while you were at it.


Heck, if someone's adding the ship capture/rescue feature, it should be well within their talents to fix the existing issues too. Make a 2-for-1 hack. Do Galaxian Plus and then Galaga.

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So ANY new game, no matter how terribly programmed or unfun, would make you happy?


Way to motivate the homebrewers.


Heres a shocker for ya.

There are people on this Atari website, who enjoy the Atari 5200.


Why do you even bother posting about the 5200? All you ever do is bitch and put it down.


You don't like the 5200.


We get it.

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So ANY new game, no matter how terribly programmed or unfun, would make you happy?


Way to motivate the homebrewers.

Okay, now you're putting too much sugar on your Froot Loops. I think we can accurately interpret his statement as, "I like collecting 5200 homebrews," and not necessarily "cram as many rabbit turds as you can into a 5200 cartridge shell and I'll buy it from you."



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Ignoring the somewhat negative slant this thread has taken, I do think a Galaga clone is doable on the 5200. The real fun of doing a homebrew in the first place is to either port a game to a system that lacks it, or to just push your own technical abilities and see what you can do. Look at Andrew Davies' multiplexing boulderdash engine on the 2600 for instance. Crazy. I wrote a demo for the 2600 myself a couple of years back (it got lost when my drive crashed and the backup CD went missing). It was a very cool feeling to have a working game that I made running on a real 2600 via a supercharger.


Seriously, if your going to take the line of 'if you can't do it better than the new systems, don't do it at all', why does anyone program for the 2600 or 5200 at all? The answer is, of course, because it's fun to make a game for a system you grew up with, and it's one of the last areas where one man (or woman) can make a game by themsleves and have a community appreciate it for it's own merits. Classic gaming is just fun. If you appreciate the older consoles anyway, it's not generally for graphics, but gameplay. There is a ton of improvements on that front with the current home ports of galaga on the 7800 and NES. The 7800 one always felt very 'slapped together' to me.


Also, many of the 'dumbed down' ports (like the afore-mentioned Crystal Castles on the VCS) turn out to be gems in their own right, even if they fail to perfectly emulate the arcade. One of the perks of collecting old games IS the diversity of the ports on the older systems. I can play five different versions of Centipede if I want, and none of them are quite the same. All of them are fun (or at least moderately so).


So, if somone wants to do a port or homebrew of Galaga, I say go for it. Don't let the naysayers stop you.

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Okay, I guess there is some misunderstandings, I'm getting all these PM's asking for Galaga for the 5200, I do not have such a game, I meant to say is anyone who is serious about hacking/programming Galaga on the 5200, PM me as I can help with the development.







If anyone is SERIOUS about Galaga for the 5200 contact me via PM, I can help.







Humm.... I think I probably know how. :)






Insider secrets :x

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Okay, I guess there is some misunderstandings, I'm getting all these PM's asking for Galaga for the 5200, I do not have such a game, I meant to say is anyone who is serious about hacking/programming Galaga on the 5200, PM me as I can help with the development.







If anyone is SERIOUS about Galaga for the 5200 contact me via PM, I can help.







Humm.... I think I probably know how. :)






Insider secrets :x


Well I guess that means it's a good game to make. :)



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Okay, I guess there is some misunderstandings, I'm getting all these PM's asking for Galaga for the 5200, I do not have such a game, I meant to say is anyone who is serious about hacking/programming Galaga on the 5200, PM me as I can help with the development.







If anyone is SERIOUS about Galaga for the 5200 contact me via PM, I can help.







Humm.... I think I probably know how. :)






Insider secrets :x


anyone else think it's kind of funny that any time Curt says anything, his PM box blows up :lol:

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Back on topic...


The biggest obstacle is the large number of moving multi-color objects in Galaga. I guess the simplest method would be to do like Galaxian on the 2600 and make them single color until they're in formation.



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Okay, I guess there is some misunderstandings, I'm getting all these PM's asking for Galaga for the 5200, I do not have such a game, I meant to say is anyone who is serious about hacking/programming Galaga on the 5200, PM me as I can help with the development.







If anyone is SERIOUS about Galaga for the 5200 contact me via PM, I can help.







Humm.... I think I probably know how. :)






Insider secrets :x

I'll be glad to help out if anyone is interested. Heck - I'd even give it a shot if I knew 5200 programming... :) I have created a pretty faithful port if anybody needs to know the patterns, levels, difficulty ramping, etc.

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The way to go would probably be to use HSCROLLing in the formation area, and multiplex the expanding/contracting motions.


EORed software sprites would save time, it would even be feasible to use PMGs as well as s/w sprites for swooping aliens.


I'm busy with other stuff but could do tech assist for writing a fast sprite engine.

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I'll be glad to help out if anyone is interested. Heck - I'd even give it a shot if I knew 5200 programming... :) I have created a pretty faithful port if anybody needs to know the patterns, levels, difficulty ramping, etc.


Nice work! Galagon would be a great starting place for the game logic.



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