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5200 Jr. Pac-Man


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On the 128 in one multicart, this game has a bug in it. If you happen to get eaten while the prize is destroying your power pellet, the screen can't be completed and the game is really over. The power pellet just flashes, but you can't eat it or anything. Does anyone know if there is a version of the game that has fixed this problem on the 5200?

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Nope. That's the only version.



Hopefully someone will make a 5200 version correcting the bug in it, or make a 7800 version that has the intermissions. It's frustrating when you are at the very high levels when this happens and makes you want to play the excellent 2600 version instead.

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If there was a documented disassembly I would take a crack at it, but short of having that the game will probably stay as it is :(

You think you may take a crack at possibly doing a 7800 version for us. You done such a fine, excellent, job with all the other ones. People on here truly appreciate what you did by giving us Pac-Man and the others. They are all truly amazing games.

Even a hack of the 2600 version for the 7800 would be fine, if they would include the intermissions, and the ghosts would loose a little of the minor flickering.

The 2600 one was a masterpiece and one of my favorites. I'd buy this one over as it is, just to have the intermissions and the same exact game.

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Thank you for the compliments :)


I was actually referring to fixing the 5200 version. ;)


I was looking at the documentation regarding DLLs on the 7800 and was completely lost. Which kind of depresses me, being someone who used to be able to pick up things immediately.


Just as a side note I am also required to learn C# in Visual Studio .NET and am having great difficulty with that as well... This is coming from someone who has programmed in C/C++ for the last 15 years. :(



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Thank you for the compliments :)


I was actually referring to fixing the 5200 version. ;)


I was looking at the documentation regarding DLLs on the 7800 and was completely lost. Which kind of depresses me, being someone who used to be able to pick up things immediately.


Just as a side note I am also required to learn C# in Visual Studio .NET and am having great difficulty with that as well... This is coming from someone who has programmed in C/C++ for the last 15 years. :(



Don't feel bad. Sometimes things are beyond all our knowledge. I'm sure I'll feel the same way in the Accounting world when I get out of school. Just be proud of what you know and what you have accomplished. Besides, you are a HERO in all our eyes on here for the masterpieces you gave us. We'll always remeber you on here. My MOM and DAD think you are the greatest for giving them those games to play as well. They took the games from me (borrowed them.lol) and have been playing them since on their own 7800. They are well over 40 too. Imagine them at the T.V. playing those. It's such a wonderful site to see, that i'm not even angry that they stole my games to play. I jst go to Mom's and play it with them when i don't have school or work. The games have been keeping us home a little more from the city now that we have them too. (The Big Easy- New Orleans). I'm just over a half hour from N.O., but with gas being $2.79 a gallon here, it's expensive to drive into town everyday. Not only have the games brought us joy, they are saving us lots on gas too.

Please keep us posted on all you new Pac-Man's to come. If you ever decide you're ready to do Super-Pac Man, Jr. Pac-Man, or Baby Pac-Man for the 7800, please let me know. I'll definitely be in for all three to make the collection fully complete. :D

Thanks again for the great games,


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If you think your losing it, don't worry about it. I was trying out their Express version of Visual C++ the other day and holy crap, could it be any harder to get a simple DLL to compile! I'll be sticking with Visual Studio 6.0 and of course the GNU tools as long as I can for Windows programming...



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If there was a documented disassembly I would take a crack at it, but short of having that the game will probably stay as it is :(


Nukey Shay hacked the 5200 Jr. Pac for speed throttling a couple years back



I doubt he commented the code, but that thread definitely shows he was poking through a working disassembly.



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If there was a documented disassembly I would take a crack at it, but short of having that the game will probably stay as it is :(


Nukey Shay hacked the 5200 Jr. Pac for speed throttling a couple years back



I doubt he commented the code, but that thread definitely shows he was poking through a working disassembly.



Cool deal.

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