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PC hard disk directories and atari800win+ emu (PC)

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I have recently downloaded a load of exe’s/com’s and XEX files from the internet


Apparently atari800win+ allows you to use these files thru Atari dos, set up as a Hard disk directory


As I understand it all you do after loading up the emulator, is to go to Atari, then hard drives and select which HD you want and tell that HD where the downloaded XEX/exe’s etc files are, Now I know that atari’s own dos’s don’t support hard drives but mydos, bwdos and spartados does


Now I have figured out how to get Sparta and bwdos to look at the hard disk directory with the exe or xex files in and I can get it to display the contents of that directory in ataridos format (8x3 characters)


I just want to know if I can get mydos (v 4x and higher) to display this hard drive directory and if mydos is compatible with atari800win+’s hard drive option, if so how can I display the contents of the hard drive directory (in mydos) and also for copying


I have also found out how to create (in mydos) very large Atr’s (15 megs in length), however, I notice you cant use this disc with Sparta or bwdos, is there a way of Sparta or bwdos creating v. large Atr’s (15 megs in length)


Additionally is there a way of multiple file copying from a hard disk directory to a disk drive using spart/bwdos, according to their manual you can use the following


(assuming you’re already in H1:)


H1: copy *.* d2 (or whatever):*.*


All I get is error ** or file not present


Or is there a utility or ATR that will enable me to copy hard disk directory file of atari exe/xex etc files to a large ATR disk created using atari800win+ (formatted using mydos)



Also I am looking for a PC utility or Emulator ATR that will allow me to convert Xex/com/xex file to CAS format

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The "H:" device is just a patch which creates a new device handler, and in most (all?) cases, DOS should let you load or copy from/to any device you Conwant.


e.g. you can copy a file to "S:" to see what's in it.


XEX files are just binary load files - DOS doesn't really care what device they reside on.


As for copying files - The hard-drive device patch only handles wildcards properly for directory operations. So, you are forced to enter the full filename for normal file operations.


It would be reasonably simple to write a quick BASIC program to OPEN a disk directory (with wildcards), then read all the filenames which match. The program could then either generate a DOS batch file (if the DOS supports them), or just do the copy operation itself.


Or, there are utilities around. ATRUtil:





Atari File Management:



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There are heaps of non-DOS menu systems which can load .XEX games from disk.


Here is one I wrote. 5 sectors long - but will only work with DOS 2.5 compatible disks (< 1025 sectors).


You can just delete what's on the disk, and the menu will remain:








I prefer howfen dos as it takes up less sector overhead then other non dos menu's (1030 in enh density and 712 sectors in t/d density) and also allows for converting other menu sys. to howfen dos, plus it was the best one i had when owning a proper A8 setup (better then transdisk iv)


Additionally some dos/non dos menu's might have prob's with certain types of exe/xex files (esp if the file contains packing/depack routines), that's why i pref. to have everything on howfendos... no probs (and i'm not really a fan of dos based menu's anyway)

Edited by carmel_andrews
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