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Atari SIO and variants on Atari SIO

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IS it true that the Decuir designed Atari SIO, was the first implementation of SIO ever used (Does Atari still own the patents/rights etc)


As other SIO systems have now come to the fore, namely Sony SIO (mainly their games systems), IBM SIO and Apple SIO (apparently), are these SIO systems (other then USB) variations on Atari SIO (albeit using different connectors/interfaces) and are they based on the same/similar standards/protocols borne from Atari SIO

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SIO dates back to the 1950's.


The concept of device "addresses" goes back to early mainframes. Although, in many cases the I/O was actually parallel, and the machine typically talked to a control unit, which in turn was attached to multiple peripherals of the same type.

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