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Telnet problems


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Windows telnet server seems to feed both IceT and Bobterm extra junk, in icet its fed as stuff like @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

but in bobterm you see stuff like K01 K02 K03


It works, but with these added bits of text (Ive fiddled with EVERY setting) it ruins the alignment. Mind you, other telnet server programs like Syncronet do not produce these problems.


If I were to do something like a directory search on telnet server, then the next c: prompt like would ave something like %> at the end of the C:\>


so I'm quite puzzled.

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Hmm. I would be suspicious of the term settings...ie., like vt520 or ANSI, etc. Usually when you see ytext mode junk like that it because the server thinks it's talking to a screen driver that it actually isn't. Don't know much about the windows telnet server ( you did mean *server*, right? ) so I can't say where you would change the settings.

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