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Well, an ATR is just a raw bunch of sectors with a small 16 byte header on the front...you could use something like seek and fread/fwrite from C. Open the input, seek to the front, read in your 16 byte header, change the values as appropriate, open output file, write new header, then go into an xfer loop reading 128 byte sectors from the old and writing out 256 byte sectors or whatever to the new...maybe, some of that is conjecture...the specs for ATR files are available if you google a bit.


Or, you could probably use an emulator to format a blank DD disk, then just copy files over. The APE interface I think has some conversion utilites for ATR and so forth as well.

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I don't know if anyones created a utility to do that.


Imagic is on the AtariMax site, but it just converts between formats like .XFD .ATR etc.


You can't just merge sectors. Atari DOSes typically have the last 3 bytes of the sector reserved for link and data length info.


Unless someone can link to a PC utility that replicates what the relevant DOS would do, I would recommend just using the emulator.


To make the process faster, run in turbo mode, with Windows typematic rate set in keyboard prefs.


Atariman is a file-management program for Windows:




I don't have doco for it, and havent' really used it so I don't know if it will do what you want.

Edited by Rybags
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The problem I had was copying a single density ATR image to a bootable double density floppy disk on PC side. Since I didn't have an SIO2PC interface I figured out the following:


- used Atari800Win to load D1: with my source ATR image and created a new 180KB ATR image on D2:

- formatted D2: in double density and wrote DOS files to it

- copied over files from D1: to D2:

- used WriteATR program to write the new 180KB ATR image to floppy disk

- booted the floppy on my Happy 1050 - it worked!


I kinda went duh to myself after.... :D

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