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New Hardware called Freezer available


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This product rocks (i saw the original one in action,

but this is the even better, improved 2005 version):


- freeze and resume any program or game

- save frozen programs to disk and resume any time

- build-in debugger

- build-in oldrunner-OS, forget your translator disk

- build-in DOS, happy-speeder and RAM-disks supported

- use up to 480kByte of the freezer-flashrom for cartridge emulation

- use up to 112kByte of the freezer-RAM for cartridge emulation and testing


i'll order mine now.



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The freezer is also a really handy tool for XL/XE developers:


1. Load editor with source code => freeze

2. Load test environment e.g. volksForth :D => freeze


Now you can switch between the two programs..edit and test.. immediately.

In sum a nice and very stable piece of hardware!




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I'm Matthias Reichl, the developer of the TurboFreezer 2005 and noticed that quite a lot of you already downloaded the information present on my website. This is great, but here's a very important note:


There are still some bugs in the schematics, so please be careful if you want to build a TurboFreezer by your own!


The logic ICs must be 74HCTxxx types (not 74LSxxx as in the schematics)

Instead of the BAT 48 diode a BAT 85 must be used.

Some of the 100nF bypass capacitors (C5 and C9 in the XL schematic, C5 in the XE schematic) are missing, compared to the component layout files. And, don't worry, there really is no C6 :-)


I've also added a textfile (00README.txt) to the hardware subdirectory with this information.


If you've got any questions regarding the TurboFreezer, feel free to ask!


so long,



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  • 2 weeks later...



I got my Freezer today, and it works like a charm. I built it into my 800XL.

Still needs some wrap up but it is secure in place. To freeze the computer,

i push a little button beside the SIO connector.


Well worth the money & work.

My thanks to the guys who made this new hardware!





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Any idea if the hardware or software has any problems running on NTSC A8s?

Yes, the Turbo-Freezer works fine on both PAL and NTSC Ataris. I recently got an NTSC 800XL from Bernd (thanks a lot!) and did quite some tests.


BTW: I'm currently working on a new version of the software with a lot of new features: online help, block set/copy/compare, access to RAM extensions, saving a snapshot to a boot disk creates a disk bootable without a Turbo-Freezer, dummy load (trace) of COM files, RAW (data) file load command, plus a few more minor improvements.


Beta versions can be downloaded from http://www.horus.com/~hias/freezer/software/


As soon as the software is stable I'll post an announcement.


so long,



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