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Is there a trick, or did I get a bum deal?


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I recently got a 5200 off ebay with 2 controllers, a trackball and a mess of games.


Everything arrives and looks great. The controllers "feel" ok and the trackball, though a bit clunky, seems solid.


I plug everything in and fire up Qix. The demo screen is playing, but I can't start a game. I plugged all 3 controllers into both ports and tried every button available. The same thing happened with the next four games I tried.


So... how do I actually play this thing?


EDIT: Add link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...AMEWN%3AIT&rd=1

Edited by davepesc
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I recently got a 5200 off ebay with 2 controllers, a trackball and a mess of games.


Everything arrives and looks great. The controllers "feel" ok and the trackball, though a bit clunky, seems solid.


I plug everything in and fire up Qix. The demo screen is playing, but I can't start a game. I plugged all 3 controllers into both ports and tried every button available. The same thing happened with the next four games I tried.


So... how do I actually play this thing?


Chances are your controllers are not working correctly, a very common problem with the 5200. You can try to fix them yourself or buy replacement parts. If that doesn't do it, then the console is at fault.


EDIT: After checking the link the seller states everything is tested, so if that is true I cannot see why you are having a problem. Most games need you to press the Start button on the controller - you are trying that, right?

Edited by MrRetroGamer
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Q: In particular I wanted to be sure if the joy sticks work perfectly. Thanks


A: Yes they do. I tested it for like 30 minutes just yesterday. These things have a horrible problem with controllers, but that is why i tested it. I had 11 controllers and these were the only two that worked. Thanks Jay


If I were you I'd ask the seller since he tested them..

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Try all of the keypad. Some games require you to start with the * or # or select 1 or 2 first.


I just checked the manual for Qix and it seems that should start with a press of the start button. I e-mailed the seller, so I guess we'll see.


And yes, my first thought was to try that button with "start" printed on it.


After all, I thought to try pressing "on/off" to power the system up!

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My bet is that either the seller is a liar, or the controllers failed after he tested them.

Time to bust 'em open and clean 'em. And ignore the people that are about to swoop in and tell you you HAVE to spend 50$ on a Redemption adapter. Give the stock controllers a bit of care and try them out before you join the crowd.


Though they aren't very good Qix controls.

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JB is right. It IS entirely in the realm of possibility that the sticks ALL failed during the period of shipping, when they could have been exposed to all kinds of different environmental conditions. There is a link around here on how to break open and clean the 5200 sticks. I'll see if I can find it for you. It should be your first step.


The other possibility, and this one would be more unfortunate, is that the IC that controls the IO for port 1 failed during shipping (or never worked at all and the seller is a liar). I have a 4 port with this problem. In my case, the chip is socket-mounted, but the whole SOCKET is loose from the board. Often this chip is surface mounted.


You can buy the chip for about a buck from Best Electronics, if you're handy with the soldering iron (or better yet, if your MB has a socket and not surface mounted chips). Or you can buy a replacement motherboard from Best Electronics for about $30... if this is the case.

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Seller's reply:


"Hmm. Atari 5200 controllers are a pain in the neck. I tested them all before i packed them up. I had 12 conrollers and those were the only 2 that worked. You may have to clean them with a pencil eraser. The plastic peice around the start button pops off and the contacts underneath may have slid out of place. It is easy to get it off. You may try that and when you have that piece off try cleaning the contacts with the pencil eraser. If you cant get it working send me a message back and i will try to find some more controllers."



Looks like I have some work to do tonight :)

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JB is right. It IS entirely in the realm of possibility that the sticks ALL failed during the period of shipping, when they could have been exposed to all kinds of different environmental conditions. There is a link around here on how to break open and clean the 5200 sticks. I'll see if I can find it for you. It should be your first step.





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Hope that your problem is just with those joysticks. I dusted my console off this March, and couldn't get any of my games from my 5200 collection to run.


The guide presented in this forum helped TREMENDOUSLY. I was able to head out to Target get the double-sided tape, the aluminum tape, the alcohol, and cotton swabs for around $10. After about an hour of care and cleaning, I was able to get both of the sticks functioning properly.


I'm now a happy camper and look forward to getting into the homebrews like Beef Drop and Adventure II!


South Jersey? Toms River in da house!

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MrRetroGamer will give you discounts on his products for being an AtariAge member, if you contact him through this forum. Do some of the work yourself, and you'll save some money...


If you don't want to hassle with rebuilding your own and are willing to pay a premium, the Best Electronics sticks with the gold dot package are rock solid... But I think MrRetro probably sells completely refurbed gold-dot sticks, too...


Either way, you'll be highly satisfied with the end results.


And let us know how it turns out... I'm curious as to what the problem is.

Edited by Paranoid
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UPDATE: Followed the guide and just cleaned the Start/Pause/Reset strip on one controller and I was able to start a game!


Of course, none of the OTHER buttons worked, but at least it looks like we found the problem,



Thanks to everyone for your help.


(By the way, I followed the part in the guide where you slide the rubber across the paper to clean the contact and I tore the rubber. Still usable, but something to be careful of.)

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Oh... and glad to hear it was this problem. Now you know you'll just need to carefully follow the instructions in the document, and you'll probably have a fine 5200 stick. You might want to consider doing the foil-dot mod or getting a gold dot kit. MrRetro is the guy to go to for that.

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You should follow up with your seller - if they listed everything as tested and working and it ISN'T, then you paid more than you should have since you have to probably spend money to fix the sticks now. You should try to bargain for a partial refund or see what the seller has to say first. I doubt that the sticks died in transit!

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Meh, maybe they did, maybe they didn't, but at least I'm confident they WILL work.


I know these things are sensitive and we are talking about 20-year-old electronics. I left positive feedback and I'm satisfied with what I got, even though it's not exactly plug-n-play.

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I doubt that the sticks died in transit!
I'd agree if it were anything other than 5200 sticks.

I'm a lot more inclined to give 'em the benefit of the doubt than if it were something(anything?) else.

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I doubt that the sticks died in transit!
I'd agree if it were anything other than 5200 sticks.

I'm a lot more inclined to give 'em the benefit of the doubt than if it were something(anything?) else.


What could POSSIBLY happen to multiple 5200 sticks in transit that would cause them ALL to stop working on arrival, assuming that the seller was telling the truth about them being tested and working in the first place? The 5200 sticks may have a bad reputation, but they DO NOT spontaneously stop working in transit just for the fun of it. Even rough handling is not going to cause carbon dots to lose conductivity and I doubt the post office is irradiating parcels, and even if they were it wouldn't make a difference either. Also, sellers prior feedback indicates a recent purchase where the buyer states "Game not as described", but you can draw your own conclusion from that.

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I doubt that the sticks died in transit!
I'd agree if it were anything other than 5200 sticks.

I'm a lot more inclined to give 'em the benefit of the doubt than if it were something(anything?) else.


What could POSSIBLY happen to multiple 5200 sticks in transit that would cause them ALL to stop working on arrival, assuming that the seller was telling the truth about them being tested and working in the first place? The 5200 sticks may have a bad reputation, but they DO NOT spontaneously stop working in transit just for the fun of it. Even rough handling is not going to cause carbon dots to lose conductivity and I doubt the post office is irradiating parcels, and even if they were it wouldn't make a difference either. Also, sellers prior feedback indicates a recent purchase where the buyer states "Game not as described", but you can draw your own conclusion from that.

As I understand it they've been known to crap out just sitting in an unopened retail box, so even "new old stock" controllers aren't a good bet.


I know that when I cleaned my sticks, they tended to die again after about a week of non-use. Never owned original unused sticks, just failed+restored ones.



I didn't see the seller's feedback, though.

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That is why I said "died in transit". I've heard both of these things time and time again. Sticks dying after a relatively short time of inactivity, or new-old stock being "dead" in the box.


Evidently climate has a lot to do with this too. I don't have this kind of problem with my sticks dying after inactivity... although, honestly, my fire buttons are sluggish at first when I first start playing a game after a week or two without any action.

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my old 5200 stock controller used to not work after a couple days. The fire buttons wouldn't react, but after repeatedly pushing them, they would start to work and after a couple minutes, they were perfectly fine. I eventually got tired of having to do that every time i turned off the 5200 and next day play again, so i tossed it. Now the controller i have now, i took it apart and cleaned it all and so far everything works fine except for the left side of the number pad 1 4 7 and *, the contacts are very clean and so far i cannot explain why these don't work, but for all the games i have, they're not necessary to play the games.

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I would agree with Mr.RetroGamer (quite simply the god and resident pro of 5200 joysticks).


It is HIGHLY unlikely these stopped working due to shipping.

As we all know, all 5200 controllers die eventually, however, for them ALL to die in a box during shipping? A little odd to say the least. But, hey, if you got them working and are happy, then that's what matters here.


Out of curiosity, did the start button work on the trakball? Those (I have found) are more reliable then the controllers.

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I simply don't think it is that unlikely from an eBay auction.


"sticks work fine" seems to be a highly interpetive description on eBay. Sometimes it means, "the left fire button doesn't work, and sometimes I have to really press down on the start key to get a game to start"...


Same thing with "tested fine". I turned the system on, it loaded a game, I moved the stick and the character on the screen kinda switched, or fired a missile... whatever... they work...


So you take some controllers like this, for the 5200, that are in marginal condition, maybe already a little dirty... pack them up, poorly... and ship them. They go up to 35,000 feet in the cargo area of a plane, fly through several different climates, land, get tossed around, loaded onto trucks, driven, thrown into sorting bins, thrown into more trucks, tossed around, and finally delivered to your doorstop...


And they don't work... not one of them. Keeping in mind, they're 5200 sticks...


So you open up, clean 'em, and they work...


Perfectly plausible.

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