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Uncommon 5200 controller problem

Henry Lee

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Hello all,


i need help on this one. I plugged in my 5200 and I have problem with one of my gold dotted controllers.

Strangely only the Reset button and the # button are not working. I opened the controller and everything looks fine, I don't think it is the contacts. Could it be the wires?


Thanks in advance,


Henry Lee


ps Rainbow invaders made me want to play Space invaders on my 5200, god there is so many aliens out there.

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Did you try multiple games? Did you try multiple controllers with the problem controller as controller 1 and controller 2?


See if the problem persists if you mix it up like this. If so, it is either a bad flex circuit or a bad cable. If the controller works ok in one port but not the other, it is a problem with your console.

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Paranoid, I did try the controller in question in the first and second port still the same problem. Have tried on a couple of games. Also, I have tried my other working controller without a problem. I am gessing it is the cables but I hope someone confirms this.

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That would be my suggestion. You could also just buy a NEW cable from Best Electronics... 4Jays or MrRetroGamer (a user here) probably also sells these... or will set you up with a refurbed or a junked 5200 stick if you want to go that way...

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