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atariarea.krap.pl's. forum and website

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In relation to the above website and it's forum section, i was wondering if there was a possibility of them doing an english version of the website and forum


I did a little while ago send this suggestion to one of the maintainers for the website/forum and for reasons best known to them never got back to me


I think it's a well known fact that polish atari programmers are one of the most knowledgeable amongst the international atari community and well as having perhaps the largest 'knowledge base' regarding particularly A8 hardware and programming


If there were an english version of the forum and website, it might encourage more people (non poles) to visit their website and also to make added value contributions and expand the existing knowledge base


I did try babelfish .dot org and poltrans, unfortunately poltrans only translates the first page (pointless) and doesn't translate the whole website and/or forum

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