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differences between 800xl and XE game system....

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I have a 800xl with scart cable

I would like to know if the XE game system

-has a SIO port as well to be able to upload atr files from my PC?

-has the same tv output (so if I can use my 800xl scart cable)?

-has the electrical output (to be able to use my 800xl power supply)



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Really? I never knew this!

So then if I have the SIO2PC that I use for my XL it can be used on the XE system? (yes I know you answered that already)

So games requiring higher memory, like GATO, and Battlezone, etc...that wont run on my XL would run on an XE?

Hmmmm....maybe I need to check this out!!

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I don't think "yes" can be applied to all of the questions, actually as I own an XEGS myself.


- Yes, the XEGS does include an SIO port so you can use your SIO2PC adapter.


-No, the XEGS only has composite video out, there's no monitor connector for it unless you heavily mod the system.


-Yes, it does have the same connector as the 800XL (I'm guessing all the XL/XE systems can use each others' power supply).


-No, the XEGS does not have more memory than the 800XL. It still has 64K of memory.

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Oh thanks,


i forgot about the monitor connector. I just read "TV-out" and meant the output of the HF-modulator. Your 800xl may take use of seperate chroma/luma (aka S-Video or Y/C) which the XE GS doesn't.


But, your TV set with scart connector can take use of the audio and video output of the XE GS. Just get an adapter at your local hifi/video store. To play games that require more memory, upgrade your 800XL our get an 130XE.




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Hey, no problem Beetle. :) But yeah, the XEGS is really just a 65XE computer designed to look more like a game console without its keyboard. Plus since its biggest competition was the NES at the time, they wanted to make the output options more like their competitor: RF and A/V out.

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And also the XEGS has a realy kewl-looking case.. kinda like a "baby mega STE"... And, its that wonderful color that Jack Trameil had specifically designed so that noone can definitely say whether its "beige" or "grey"...


One noteable thing though.. If you do alot of typing, stick with the XL.. The XE keyboards suck royally (unless you buy the upgrade kit to "unmush" the key action).

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So games requiring higher memory, like GATO, and Battlezone, etc...that wont run on my XL would run on an XE?


These games will work on an 800XL too.


Hmmm...I've tried several different files loading them via SIO2PC and not a one of them will run.

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So games requiring higher memory, like GATO, and Battlezone, etc...that wont run on my XL would run on an XE?


These games will work on an 800XL too.


Hmmm...I've tried several different files loading them via SIO2PC and not a one of them will run.


Ahhh. I meant the actual cartridges. None of the XE-labelled carts requires more than 64K of RAM, and that's what the XEGS has. The files usable by SIO2PC are generally hacked to .atr format, and those might well not work. The carts themselves will work without a problem.

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