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Need kernel help (fighting with HMOVE)


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Calling all Atari Gurus,


I've been fighting with my kernel for the past 2 hours. Right now we're not on speaking terms. :x


I'm working on the Kenjutsu kernel, trying to remove the unsightly HMOVE bars from the left side of the screen. I've done extensive forum research. My conclusion is that placing the HMOVE at cycle 74 should prevent the bars. I've sync'ed up my kernel so that all paths are 76 cycles, and removed the WSYNC. I then carefully timed the entry to the kernel so that it starts at cycle 74, with the first command being an HMOVE.


The synchronization must be correct, because my player graphic and the sword are displaying correctly. Very Bad Things would happen otherwise.


I've also used the nifty debugger info in Stella to verify the HMOVE is happening on cycle 74 for each scanline. But, the resulting game still shows the bars. I've run out of ideas. Can anyone offer advice on what I'm missing here?


Below is the code for my kernel, and I've attatched a zip with the full .asm and .bin.





	LDX #192			  ;2

	LDY Sword0Dir		 ;3
	LDA SwordHeightTable,Y;4
	STA Temp1			 ;3 Temp1 holds the sword height.

	LDA SwordWidthTable,Y ;4
	STA NUSIZ0			;3

	LDA SwordHmoveLookup,Y;4
	STA Sword0HmoveLo	 ;3

	LDA #0				;2
	STA HMCLR			 ;3 31 cycles

	JSR Wait12
	JSR Wait12
	JSR Wait12			;36 cycles


	JMP KernelLoop		;3 Ends on cycle 74

	align 256

	LDA Temp1			 ;3 (+1 from previous branch.)
	LDA #0				;2
	STA HMM0			  ;3
	BEQ ContinueKernel0;3 Block = 12

	LDA #0				;2 (+1)
	BEQ ContinueKernel1;3 Block = 6

	STA HMOVE			 ;3 This runs at cycle 74.
	STA GRP0			  ;3

	LDA Temp2			 ;3
	STA ENAM0			 ;3 Block = 9

; Check for the sword.
	SEC				;2
	TXA				;2 A now holds scanline.
	SBC Sword0Y		;3
	ADC Temp1			 ;3 Sword Height.
	BCC SkipSwordDraw	 ;2 or 3 Block = 12

	TAY				;2

	LDA (Sword0HmoveLo),Y ;5
	STA HMM0			  ;3

	LDA #$FF			  ;2 

	STA Temp2			 ;3 Block = 15

	SEC				;2
	TXA				;2 A now holds scanline.
	SBC Player0Y		  ;3
	ADC #8				;2 Player height.
	BCC SkipDraw		  ;2 or 3 Block = 11

	TAY				;2
	LDA PlayerGfx,Y	;4 Block = 6

	NOP				;2
	NOP				;2
	NOP				;2
	NOP				;2
	NOP				;2
	NOP				;2
	LDY Temp1			 ;3 Block = 15
	DEX				;2
	BNE KernelLoop		;2 or 3 Block = 5


Edited by TROGDOR
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I've also used the nifty debugger info in Stella to verify the HMOVE is happening on cycle 74 for each scanline. But, the resulting game still shows the bars. I've run out of ideas. Can anyone offer advice on what I'm missing here?

"Cycle 74 HMOVE" refers to when the actual write to HMOVE occurs. To use cycle 74 HMOVEs, make sure Stella shows them beginning at cycle 71.


However, I don't know if cycle 74 HMOVEs will work for your game, because all movement is shifted to the left by 8 pixels (you move -15 to 0 pixels instead of -7 to 8.) In other words, it is impossible to move to the right!

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