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Just got a 7800 (WOOHOO!)


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Joust is top notch. You'll probably enjoy it for hours at a time, and it's even better with two players.

Xevious is supposed to be good, but I'm a Raiden fanboy, so Xevious didn't hoild my attention long at all.

Pole Position II gets too much flak. It's a good game now matter how you look at it.

Ms Pac Man is a mixed bag. In order to simulate the more common "fast" acrade version, you have to crank up the difficulty to max.

You want boxes for Joust and Ms Pac Man? I've got some extras that I'm willing to sell for a couple bucks or so.

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lol, Collector is the ZylonBane of the 7800 :D

Please. I'm an ass, not an idiot.


That is a matter of opinion ;)

Many idiots mistake me for one of their own, that is true.


The truth is a dancer balanced upon a razor's edge ;)

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Joust is top notch. You'll probably enjoy it for hours at a time, and it's even better with two players.

Xevious is supposed to be good, but I'm a Raiden fanboy, so Xevious didn't hoild my attention long at all.

Pole Position II gets too much flak. It's a good game now matter how you look at it.

Ms Pac Man is a mixed bag. In order to simulate the more common "fast" acrade version, you have to crank up the difficulty to max.

You want boxes for Joust and Ms Pac Man? I've got some extras that I'm willing to sell for a couple bucks or so.


No thanks, I'm good. I'm in it for the fun of the game, not really their collectibility. Looks like I'm gonna have some fun with it!


I got the rca-coax, but I still gotta fix the power connector. Been kinda busy to get to it.


I fixed the controller and the pen spring worked great HINT: use sharp cutters or the spring will get all twisted and it'll be harder to work with. Speaking of controllers... I found a PC joystick that hooks to a midi connector, db15, and I'd like it to go to the 7800 (it has three buttons, two are wired together so really two) but I can't find the pinout to make it go to the atari. Is it possible?

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So that I make sure that I have asked, what *can* be done with the expansion port? Mine has it, ready to be used, so what can I do with it? Are there any backwater projects or forgotten ideas that I can work with?? All of my looking around tells me it's useless. Okay, how do I make it useFUL?

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I dunno how to use the port. Maybe try to find ouyt if it has video inputs, sound input, etc.


Aren't all 7800's wired to use a port anyway? Mine has the solder pads for one, even though there's no evidence it was ever there outside the case.

I wonder if those pads are connected to stuff or not?


Maybe it puts out a little power like a USB ports does. then you could use it for a 7800 powered "gamer cooler"!

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  • 7 months later...

Can't recall if I ever said, but the 7800 had some issues. There was a broken power connector and a broke-loose RF plug on it. I sent it to prodos8 and he took care of it but good! There was also some grease pencil on it from a sale somewhere down the years, and he got that off, too. He replaced the wierd power connector with a typical 2600 one and resoldered the RF back on for me. Excellent job! The thing is now beautiful!!


And Joust is an AWESOME game. The other 7800 carts need a good cleaning, though, and won't play. I just need to get in there with a brush and some alcohol. Same goes with the cart slot. It sits in a place of honor, right in front of the new TV!

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I'm surprised this thread only picked up ONE 7800 basher, and managed to get a bunch of 7800 advocates trying to derail the subject into a bashing session on Zylonbane...


I mean, I'm no Zylonbane fanboy, but he got dragged into this without ever saying a WORD about the 7800. Not that he doesn't *deserve* all the abuse... (<giving Zylonbane a good kick in the ribs while he is down>)... just that (<kick> "stay DOWN"!), it is sort of ironic...


As far as being on otpic... Everyone is right. Find yourself a CC2. It makes a 7800 among the best retro consoles you can own.

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expand it by throwing it in the garbage, 7800 for 7800 games is terrible, but good if you don't have a 2600.


A lot of personal, subjective opinions being expressed as though they are facts and not opinions from an obvious troll looking for trouble.

Yeah,but hes part right,the SOUND on the 7800 blows,on some games,(DONKEY KONG,being the worst among others)but i wouldnt say the 7800 is garbage,the souind quality is what makes some of the games unplayable,to bad though cus DONKEY KONG is a great port.

Edited by Rik
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