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Atari ST Zone

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Hi again!


If anyone want to see something else on my site you are all welcome to suggest.


Submissions are most welcome!


Quick question now... Have any one played Dave Munsies Square Off? We have been discussing this on another forum but we are not getting anywhere! I really love this little game but we are in desperate need of the full version of the game. Does anyone have it?

Pacigame Forum - Square Off thread



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weird.. im still gettign the dreaded The page cannot be displayed

The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.



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Sadly it is something else ... 250free is trying a new pop ad thingy and I think that is what is preventing you from getting in. I am happily roaming 250free.com now and by the look of my site statistics you are not the only one having this problem... I will email the big cheese of 250free at once!


This is a long shoot but you could try to swap to another browser...



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It wasn't the ads.... The big cheese at250free.com said:

Were we having problems with the DNS server (the thing that converts IP

addresses into domain names). That would explain why some people could

access you site, while others couldn't. I restarted the DNS server and

that seemed to take care of the issue. I'll monitor the server to make

sure all is well


Central time? Come on matey! What do you mean? Central Russian time, central european time or central pacific??

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  • 2 weeks later...


Originally posted by liquid_sky:

Was the ST bigger in europe? Because Ive notied most of the hacking groups are european.

I am not sure but I think I have read somewhere that half of all STs sold were sold in Germany! I think (not sure here either) that the ST sold 25-30 000 in sweden. I think totally (this might be a cardinal error but..) the ST sold about 2 millions!


Because Ive notied most of the hacking groups are european.

I don't know of any american cracking group, do you?


And since you are obviously a betazoid of Steem, will Obbsession work on 2.2?


[ 03-05-2002: Message edited by: Danzig ]

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