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I need some old computer experts!

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Today I went to goowill to see if I could find any good Nintendo ro Atari items. I looked and found an NES but I already had 3.


I looked in a box for what I thought was a Box full of boxed nintendo games. It was just a bunch a boxes with names on them. I looked closer and they said Commondoor 64. If found some games like Congo Bongo and such. I did't buy them but I would like to know if it's worth buying.


Also, I saw a boxed Texas Insterments computer. Should I go pick it up if I can afford it?

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That all depends on what amount of $ they were going for.


The TI computer is an iffy subject. As it has no method for the user to enter the realm of machine language programming...it's appeal would soon be lost after Basic is learned and grown out of. Although there are a few worthy titles for it, as well.

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Originally posted by Atari Master:

I looked in a box for what I thought was a Box full of boxed nintendo games. It was just a bunch a boxes with names on them. I looked closer and they said Commondoor 64. If found some games like Congo Bongo and such. I did't buy them but I would like to know if it's worth buying.


It seems that the box was filled with Commodore 64 games. You need a Commodore 64 to play these games.



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i would pick up the texas instruments computer, especially since it's boxed. not it's rare but i collect old game/home computers which are boxed. yes it depends on the $. not that a ti is so much fun as an atari, but i'm searching for a cheap one.

and the commodore games can be fun if they are cheap too.



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