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Xlent Software - Typesetter & Page Designer


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Found original copies in the original packages of these two software packages from Xlent Software

in my parents attic on a recent visit.

Written by Dennis Young and Ken Dorfman


How rare are these I have never heard these mentioned anywhere

Xlent's most known program was First XLEnt Word Processor, which was/is top class for Atari 8-bit word processing. I remember reading about Page Designer and Typesetter many times in Antic magazine (probably there were other magazines articles too).





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  • 16 years later...

I purchased Typesetter and was presented with an opportunity to use it. My boss had an idea to add a coin box to a Minolta micro graphics reader printer, and the unit was in my territory in Nassau County on Long Island. As we performed this first installation I suggested a number of modifications to reduce install time and improve reliability. He requested I create an installation document so that others could perform this installation. Here is where Typesetter comes in. I created images using a variety of paint programs (black and white) and incorporated them into Typesetter with necessary text. This multi page document I submitted about two weeks later and was tested by handing it with parts to the dumbest tech in the organization. He had no issues.. Three weeks later my boss was running the service department and I was promoted into management... Thank you Atari!

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