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Other 5200 controllers?


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And then I could build my own house. Change my own oil. Cook a turkey.


Building my own keypad is not in my abilities. I don't have the skills, tools, knowledge, equipment, etc.


The only reason you can't is because you don't *think* you can.


I know zero about electronics. I can't decode a resistor, I don't understand how to *create* any of this stuff from scratch (unlike other members of this forum). If they didn't create step by step instructions on how to do it, I'd be out of luck. I have the vaguest, consumer oriented knowledge of hot and ground... + is the bumpy side of the battery, - is the flat side. I'd be lost at building my own house, changing my own oil, or cooking a turkey... (although my guess is that I could find the information on the last two on the Internet or elsewhere and at least *attempt* it, if I were so inclined).


I'm not buying this excuse. It isn't that you can't do it, you don't WANT to, or you are afraid.


But Eegt makes a great point. If you want a rock solid keypad and controller, buy an Atari trackball. Best Electronics offers them NIB.


There are very few people in this world so incompetent that they couldn't change a tire, or their oil, or cook a turkey. I'd say MOST of those people are also too incompetent to get on the Internet, find an interest specific message forum, and post 917 messages to that forum. But you know, if you believe it, it will remain the truth, in this case.

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And then I could build my own house. Change my own oil. Cook a turkey.


Building my own keypad is not in my abilities. I don't have the skills, tools, knowledge, equipment, etc.


The only reason you can't is because you don't *think* you can.


I know zero about electronics. I can't decode a resistor, I don't understand how to *create* any of this stuff from scratch (unlike other members of this forum). If they didn't create step by step instructions on how to do it, I'd be out of luck. I have the vaguest, consumer oriented knowledge of hot and ground... + is the bumpy side of the battery, - is the flat side. I'd be lost at building my own house, changing my own oil, or cooking a turkey... (although my guess is that I could find the information on the last two on the Internet or elsewhere and at least *attempt* it, if I were so inclined).


I'm not buying this excuse. It isn't that you can't do it, you don't WANT to, or you are afraid.


But Eegt makes a great point. If you want a rock solid keypad and controller, buy an Atari trackball. Best Electronics offers them NIB.


There are very few people in this world so incompetent that they couldn't change a tire, or their oil, or cook a turkey. I'd say MOST of those people are also too incompetent to get on the Internet, find an interest specific message forum, and post 917 messages to that forum. But you know, if you believe it, it will remain the truth, in this case.


And weren't you the one who said in the other controller thread that the trak ball is an "uber luxury item," with limited use for its high cost, and that you were talked out of buying one? Why, then, talk me into buying one?


I use electronics. I don't know how to service them or create them. I don't think that just because I use a 5200 in 2006 means I should be able to build a controller for it. I don't want to invest the time, effort and money in buying tools and materials, none of which I have, to build something that for all I know won't work. It's not a necessity.


Could I change a tire? Maybe if I had to. Last time that happened I called my free roadside assistance. Oil change? I get that at the dealer for $10.

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And weren't you the one who said in the other controller thread that the trak ball is an "uber luxury item," with limited use for its high cost, and that you were talked out of buying one? Why, then, talk me into buying one?


I use electronics. I don't know how to service them or create them. I don't think that just because I use a 5200 in 2006 means I should be able to build a controller for it. I don't want to invest the time, effort and money in buying tools and materials, none of which I have, to build something that for all I know won't work. It's not a necessity.


Could I change a tire? Maybe if I had to. Last time that happened I called my free roadside assistance. Oil change? I get that at the dealer for $10.


You've got a constant string of complaints and responses to anything proposed to you, nothing is good enough, and you don't want to make any effort to learn how to make it better. Not suprisingly, the cheap solutions take time and effort and some skill (or at least the dedication to learn a bit of some skill or another), and the turn-key solutions are more expensive. I've got news... that is How Life Works .


You fail to garner my sympathy for your position, miserably.


I said this earlier, then backed off... but I think I am going to revist it. Maybe you aren't fit to be a 5200 owner. Find something that requires a little less dedication. So far, you seem like a Wii target market to me. Those of us who are willing to put in the extra effort, will not miss you as we enjoy the fruits of our efforts.

Edited by Paranoid
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And weren't you the one who said in the other controller thread that the trak ball is an "uber luxury item," with limited use for its high cost, and that you were talked out of buying one? Why, then, talk me into buying one?


I use electronics. I don't know how to service them or create them. I don't think that just because I use a 5200 in 2006 means I should be able to build a controller for it. I don't want to invest the time, effort and money in buying tools and materials, none of which I have, to build something that for all I know won't work. It's not a necessity.


Could I change a tire? Maybe if I had to. Last time that happened I called my free roadside assistance. Oil change? I get that at the dealer for $10.


You've got a constant string of complaints and responses to anything proposed to you, nothing is good enough, and you don't want to make any effort to learn how to make it better. Not suprisingly, the cheap solutions take time and effort and some skill (or at least the dedication to learn a bit of some skill or another), and the turn-key solutions are more expensive. I've got news... that is How Life Works .


You fail to garner my sympathy for your position, miserably.


I said this earlier, then backed off... but I think I am going to revist it. Maybe you aren't fit to be a 5200 owner. Find something that requires a little less dedication. So far, you seem like a Wii target market to me. Those of us who are willing to put in the extra effort, will not miss you as we enjoy the fruits of our efforts.


Don't make this personal.


I wasn't asking for your sympathy. Or anyone else's.


And I don't care what you think. I'm keeping my 5200.


If you want me to buy a Wii, why don't you send me the money? :roll:


I'm in a sour mood right now due to other reasons in my life, and I certainly don't need you riding my ass about something so stupid. So just leave it be.

Edited by Brian R.
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Now Now Paranoid - Judgemental attitudes are best left to the pros in Jaguar forums...


Yeah, as I was writing that post I was going, "Wow, I really have become an Atari Age regular, haven't I..."


But read the several 5200 threads Brian is posting to, and his theme becomes pretty repetitive.


As for you Brian, keep it if you want... but if you're going to continue to bitch about it and drag it through the dirt, expect me to point out the irony that you're unwilling to make much if any effort to improve your experience. Seems like you want a 5200 solely to have a reason to bitch about it in the forums, to me. Seriously, read your posts, read every response to every helpful suggestion any user here has made to you. If you've just been in a sour mood for the last several days, hey... I know how that goes... sometimes I come here just aching for a fight too. But it isn't like you've been very reasonable in your continued arguments for why the 5200 sucks. Anyone reading the posts reasonably might be likely to come to the conclusion that it isn't the Atari 5200 that sucks...


:P :)

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Now Now Paranoid - Judgmental attitudes are best left to the pros in Jaguar forums...


Yeah, as I was writing that post I was going, "Wow, I really have become an Atari Age regular, haven't I..."


But read the several 5200 threads Brian is posting to, and his theme becomes pretty repetitive.


As for you Brian, keep it if you want... but if you're going to continue to bitch about it and drag it through the dirt, expect me to point out the irony that you're unwilling to make much if any effort to improve your experience. Seems like you want a 5200 solely to have a reason to bitch about it in the forums, to me. Seriously, read your posts, read every response to every helpful suggestion any user here has made to you. If you've just been in a sour mood for the last several days, hey... I know how that goes... sometimes I come here just aching for a fight too. But it isn't like you've been very reasonable in your continued arguments for why the 5200 sucks. Anyone reading the posts reasonably might be likely to come to the conclusion that it isn't the Atari 5200 that sucks...


:P :)



I asked you politely to leave it alone, but you just couldn't. Thanks a lot.


What is so hard for you to accept about the idea that not everyone is able or inclined to build electronic items? Even with a set of instructions, many couldn't do it, because they won't understand it. I have zero knowledge in this area. I know what I can do, and what I can't, and I'm OK with that.


I certainly don't want a 5200 to bitch about it. I wanted a 5200 because I wanted a 5200. It was the last Atari console I had to find, and I was thrilled the day I found one. I was equally thrilled the day I got a Wico controller so I could actually use the thing. I've had my 5200 for a very long time and it sits proudly on my living room coffee table.


But hey, aren't you the guy who loves his emulators? So why do you give a rats ass about the actual hardware???


I have never said the 5200 sucks. Its controllers suck.


I won't address your last sentence. I'll let Albert or a mod do that if they want.

Edited by Brian R.
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What is so hard for you to accept about the idea that not everyone is able or inclined to build electronic items? Even with a set of instructions, many couldn't do it, because they won't understand it. I have zero knowledge in this area. I know what I can do, and what I can't, and I'm OK with that.

For this project, it'd mostly be a case of keeping track of which wire goes where.

The keypad doesn't involve anything but switches and wires, which makes it a 0-knowledge project.

It's exactly the sort of thing I do, partially because it's good beginner stuff.



Not being inclined to do so is quite understandable.

Especially since you don't have any of the stuff you would need, and scorched fingers HURT. I had someone else's soldering stuff laying around, or I wouldn't have bothered with any of my projects.


I just disagree that you actually can't do it.

Lack of knowledge isn't really a good excuse, as I've yet to hear of anyone born knowing how to solder.

If your sole reason for not doing it is you don't know how, I'd urge you to try it.

Edited by JB
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I wired a Jaguar controller to a 5200 controller cable, works great, only problem is that the controller cable only has 14 wires and I needed the 15th one, (ground), to make it work. I found some 5200 extension cables that could work providing they have all the leads. Only games that don't work are Centipede, Super Breakout, Missile Command, but for maze games and others...great!

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