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Donkey Kong for 5200?


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Yeah it's just the 8-bit Donkey Kong, converted to run on the 5200 (with the nice rainbow Atari logo at startup and all). Basically it was converted, then hobbyists being what they are... well, some labels were made, and some eproms were burned, and well, you eventually got some homemade....




If you can't find any information about it, you just aren't looking hard enough as it's right under your nose :lol: Here's one thread for example: http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=37744

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The 8bit/5200 DK is prob on of the only times in the classic era a console version improved on the arcade original IMHO - Landon Dyer turned DK into an 'arcade' game IMHO. The original arcade version feels slow and clunky vs the 8bit one - I do prefer this vs the arcade.

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I disagree about prefering it to the arcade.. the arcade is still the king :D DK has it's own timing and feel and of course it's strategic subtleties that are lost in the Atari 8-bit version (like what is up with the fireballs in the pie-factory stage? There's only supposed to be 1 fireball per stage #). And just for another example it's just the dumb little things I like.. such as in the 2nd level of difficulty, the Barrel rolls diagonally down, you run right without hesitation and jump once, then jump just as the barrel lands to your left and you get 100 points. Then from the 3rd level on... you run without hesitation, jump once, then jump the barrel as it falls in front of you. Crap like that :lol:


That being said, I really do love Atari 8bit DK. If I had to choose a DK though, it would be the arcade.. there's just more to it. 'Course it's really just all personal preference though :P

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The problem with most arcade ports is that the programmers didn't have access to the original game source code and they didn't consult fans of the game to duplicate game play. The games may have much of the look and feel but key elements of the arcade gameplay are almost always missing. On top of everything else you have a screen with different dimensions and some games like Donkey Kong end up missing portions of a screen.

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I disagree about prefering it to the arcade.. the arcade is still the king :D DK has it's own timing and feel and of course it's strategic subtleties that are lost in the Atari 8-bit version (like what is up with the fireballs in the pie-factory stage? There's only supposed to be 1 fireball per stage #). And just for another example it's just the dumb little things I like.. such as in the 2nd level of difficulty, the Barrel rolls diagonally down, you run right without hesitation and jump once, then jump just as the barrel lands to your left and you get 100 points. Then from the 3rd level on... you run without hesitation, jump once, then jump the barrel as it falls in front of you. Crap like that :lol:


That being said, I really do love Atari 8bit DK. If I had to choose a DK though, it would be the arcade.. there's just more to it. 'Course it's really just all personal preference though :P


I agree with you 100%. What makes the arcade game so perfect is the little details like the ones you mentioned. The 8bit port is the best of the home versions, but it doesn't touch the real deal :cool:

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Understand the 8bit version is different than the arcade - however if the 8bit version came out in the arcade and you got the arcade version on your 5200 I wonder which one you would prefer? ;)


For me I prefer DK 800 over the arcade - it is the only console version of any classic arcade game I prefer over the original (except for Combat on the 2600 - the color makes it nicer on that machine :) )


Just my $0.02 :)

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Damn, this version is fast.


Not sure if I like it better than the 7800 version though


And definitely not as much as the arcade


The arcade is more colorful, sounds better, plays better, isn't flickery and all that junk people always complain about in home versions.

I'll admit the 7800's graphics are better, but I rather the challenge of the 5200 version. The 7800's version is far too easy. With the missing level included, that makes up for the graphics not being slightly as good as the 7800's.

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I've got to say, I'm with Goochman and JPFalcon on this one.


I understand your points about the arcade version patterns not being replicated in the 8 bit port, and I can see how, to a purist, that could be disappointing (and it seems that it certainly COULD have been done).


But, again, I prefer the challenge and frentic tempo of the 8 bit version to the arcade. I've got both, and I turn to the 8 bit DK far more often than the original arcade version.


As far as the 7800 versus the 5200 graphics... I'd say it is a toss up on which has BETTER graphics. The 7800 version is superficially closer to the arcade, but, Mario has an ass the size of a Texas hooker who has been living on a diet of Fried Chicken, Ice Cream and Crispy Creme Donuts in the 7800 version. Really, it looks like the kind of ass you might see on a black chick dancing on a rap video. The 5200 version is quite servicable, and I think you could argue that at least proportionately, things are closer in the 5200 version than in the 7800 version... even with the platform ending on the wrong side on the first level.


I think the 5200 is the definitive home version, and on a personal level, it is my favorite version, bar none.

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I think that M.E.S.S. runs too fast. I tried Zaxxon just for fun and wow was I cruising, it's like I was racing through that fortress instead of trying to destroy stuff in it. I don't remember the game being that fast on the real Atari 400 we used to play it on.


It is alot speedier on the real 800 as well - Mario took the anchors out of his back pocket vs the arcade :)

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