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atari2600land's Blog - The wonders of modern medicine


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Got the suture out, but there were still holes, so the dentist put some icky tasting crap in them to fill them up. He said i could eat right away so i took him up on his offer and right after the appointment I went to Burger King and got two Whoppers, which helped take away the icky taste, but then it came back. He said that anything I ate would taste like the crap (that wasn't true, it tasted just like a good ol' whopper) and that this taste would be in my mouth for the next few days. And I still need to wash my mouth out with salt water and I can't eat hard food (like, say, nuts or nachos, which is disappointing because I have a whole bag of nachos in the cupboard just waiting to be eaten with cheese dip.) And Yoshi's Island DS won't be in until Wednesday, which was what I was afraid of. I saw Yoshi's Cookie for NES at a Game Crazy I hadn't been to in a long time, but they wanted $8.99 for it! Their prices are crazy. If you think that's bad, another Game Crazy in town had Earthbound for $60! Why is a SNES game that expensive? You could get a Wii game for less than that! Speaking of which, the press made a big deal about the Playstation 3 coming out (duh.) and after one of the stories, one of the anchors said "I like Pong." Me, too.



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