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jboypacman's Blog - Why do Odyssey2 games have ! in there titles?


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I was looking at my Odyessy2 games when i got home fro work tonight while i was waiting for dinner and notice for the first time that every one of the games i have has a ! in its title.So after dinner i looked up some of the other games that were made for the Odyssey2 and out of the 50 games i counted(not including homebrews and Pinball!Demo made by Ralph Baer,only 30 of these were made)there were only 6 that didnt have a ! in the title.Strange not really i guess that Magnavox felt that it would make the games seem more exciting.Given that half of the games for the system were designed by one game developer Ed Averett,the games need everything they needed to making them seem special which i think they are but back when these came out Atari and Intellivision ruled.Just my rambling thoughts of the day,Enjoy.



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