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I'm glad I stumbled upon a thread that pointed to the mini-dig. While I've been there and poked around in the past now and then, I randomly checked Eckhard Stolberg's description of how VDEL works. That's saved me a few rewrite versions. But at the cost of needing to think about how this'll impact my upcoming display kernel. Hm.


Might work out. Might be hell.


In other "news". I think I've mentioned it before but odds are in the process of building up Action RPG's functionality, various aspects could be well suited for an independant game project here and there, often with some of the resulting code in the separate project finding it's way back into Action RPG, likely in some modified form.


There are now 2.5 separate game ideas. :ponder: The 0.5 is for a game idea that would start completely from scratch but would probably be well suited as a mini-game in Action RPG if space allowed. So the code porting would be one way only. ;) I'm not clamping Action RPG to a 4k rom size so odds are if there's a free bank that the in-game bonus game could go in, it'll get added later on. While this game is the first to be started, it won't be the first to be finished!


The other two game ideas require me to get this display working. One could be worked on as soon as the current display code is functional, and a modified form of it's logic code would be returned to Action RPG for inside one of the dungeons/castles/whatever. The other requires a scrolling room. (A later room-type to be designed.)


Anyway. Too tired right now. Overtime at work this week. Good for wallet (needed for wallet!) but bad for code.


Oh well, hopefully I'll wake up early enough today. I'm considering bringing some older games I'm not going to play again down to the local pawn shop for tradein credit. They have a couple games for the master system I'd like to have.





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