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jboypacman's Blog - Joking about Atari.


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Well seeing as am the only one who actively plays Atari among my fellow co-workers and most of my friends you can imagine that i hear alot of joking about Atari.There isnt a week that i dont hear a good natured joke about my gaming choice."John,you know that they make controllers with more than one button"or"They have these things called CDs you should check them out sometime".One of my favorites is"You better check the woodgrain for termites".We all get a big laugh at lunch about that stuff.You know what this tell me is that inspite of the joking most people do remember and know what a Atari 2600 is.Which is a very good thing because that tells me that the 2600 left a mark on there life.Now they need to bring back the woodgrain for the new systems.lol."Play Atari today and everyday".



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