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SpiceWare's Blog - Dragon Code Split


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The dragon routines are now split so the finished routines will be able to fit in the remaining space of a couple banks. For test they're currently cycling thru 8 of the image frames.


Bank 5 now contains the Dragon Animation Code. It controls the movement of the dragon, launching of the fireball and selecting the frame to display. It jumps to bank 4 to prep the frame. Next to do is rewrite this to use tables which will define the timing and playback sequence of the frames.


Bank 4 now contains the Dragon Frame Code. It accepts which frame to show and preps the zero page pointer to the correct wing, body and shift table. Bit 7 of the frame is used to denote "facing left" which causes the facing-left shift table to be used instead of the facing-right. This section is pretty much finished.




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