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keilbaca's rants - So yeah... life has been interesting...


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Lots of shit has happened since I wrote last. Lets see, where to start. I'm on midshift now, Jaimee made it down, and decided to stay here. 2 days after Jaimee arrived, the landlord came with cops and said that neither my roommates or her could stay past midnight that night, or else they were going to get a criminal tresspassing put on them. So, Jaimee and I got a hotel for a couple nights, got a new lease and moved. That day, we moved most of my stuff, and left my games in the apartment, along with most of my consoles. About a week later, I take a duffel bag over and fill it up with my favorite nes and genesis games. I go back the next day, and my apartment has been ransacked, all my games missing except my atari games, both japanese and american dreamcasts gone along with games, snes and games gone, Megaman NES gone, another complete atari 2600 gone, the works. That night, we round up some friends and get what's left. Heh, Jaimee sure did get a nice surprise when we got done boxing up all the loose games, and said there was more in my room. She looked in the closet, did a jaw drop, and said, all those are atari too? I go, mostly, yeah. She goes, are they empty or do they have the games in em, I go, all complete. She did a jaw drop. I had a good laugh.


I go back a couple days later to investigate what's all gone to give the cops a detailed list, and I notice, they took my checkbook as well. That day, checked out my bank account, sure enough, they forged $200 from my account. I'm still not all moved in, half my shit is gone, I'm broke now, and I'm about ready to get out of collecting games, and selling my stuff. I'm going to talk to an owner of a store who was interested in my two arcades from before, and I'm going to see if he's still interested in buying them. This is the second time my shit has been stolen, so I'm getting rid of it all so I can at least get something out of it, before all of that disappears as well. Jaimee has some idea I want to sell some games, but I don't think she realizes what I'm selling. Besides, the new apartment is smaller, and we'd gain a lot more room with the arcades gone.


I got all the songs 5* on easy and medium on GH2, 2 away from hard, and a bunch to do on expert. I must say, the Fish guitar and the Viking guitar has to be my favorites.


So yeah, I'm sad, hungry, broke, and about ready to get drunk. I just hope something good happens sometime soon, although it never does seem to fail, when something great happens, 2 or 3 bad things happen right after, completely killing it, and I have a funny feeling that the bad trend isn't going to stop, not the position I'm in, what's happening here, and what I know is going to happen in the future, that I'm not willing to share.



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