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New 5200 homemade paddle pics


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Shawn wouldn't post anything fake



Bingo. Why would I waste my time showing off a feat if was only a fake when everyone clearly knows I'm clearly capable of doing much more complex things with hardware? I suppose my 7800 Heavy Sixer was a fake also? And the FB2 tabletop arcade,ect? Well just ask Ianoid how fake that 7800 Heavy Sixer was as well as the modded JAkks paddle I made him, Hell there is a good dozen or more people on these forums that know my projects are top notch as they have had me build them ones like mine they liked them so much.


Jeff your not being a sceptic your being down right rude. And the 2 ens of the cable look different? Are you blind or something or just looking to get under my skin? Oh well I guess I'll just stop sharing my projects cause they are all just fakes anyhow. :roll:


But I am being serious this will be the last fresh, outside of the box idea I share here at AA for a long ass time to come as I look to show off my acomplishments and share my ideas when I post them not look to have them called vaporware.


Ouch. Sorry for the unintentional slam, you know I got nothing but "love" for you Shawn. Just figured you were having fun with us today. Never said you were a fake, just that you playing a joke. I guess that's only in April. Keep 'em coming ;)



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Nice one Shawn, I like it.


Here was my take on a kewl paddle controller for the 5200...




@R. Your paddle was actually one of my insperations to build mine the way I did. The stock 5200 controller with a turn nob was ok (don't know who came up with that one), your Wico with a turn nob was\is much better but for myslef I'm just so acustom to the 2600 paddle I figured why mess with a good thing if your already know it 20 years strong so I built my frankenstien. I really think the real 5200 s\r\p buttons and flashing adds too it quite a bit.


@Jeff - Thats why I was so pissed dude cause we have worked on projects together before and I though you where just throwing a shot at my nuts for no good reason. Glad to hear we're cool cause I was disapointed more than angry at your post.

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The paddle looks great Shawn.......hope u will be selling a few in the near future.....i'd be interested! :-)


I would have to find a cheap lot of busted 5200 controllers to do that and if I did\do I would make a few for those who can't\don't want to build their own. So if I do make some Shawn I will be sure to let you know.

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I'd like one also, if and when available. I'd also like a PM of your schematic when you have a chance.


Very nice indeed.


How difficult would it be to modify a 2600 paddle to work through the Redemption controller (2600/7800/Sega Version)?



That would be MUCH easier to do.

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I'd like one also, if and when available. I'd also like a PM of your schematic when you have a chance.


Very nice indeed.


How difficult would it be to modify a 2600 paddle to work through the Redemption controller (2600/7800/Sega Version)?



That would be MUCH easier to do.


I think that would be a perfect solution...for me at least.

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Get a sega cord and hook up the proper left and right wires to the pot of the 2600 paddle and hook up the fire button with fire and ground and that should be all you need to do to use one with a redemption adaptor. You might need the ground on the pot somewhere but I doubt it.


EDIT: This is just off the top of my head so don't take it as the bible by any means.

Edited by Shawn Sr.
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