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Hey! I got past the second set of levels on Tron. I had never been able to do that before.


Yes. I suck. :P The tanks always get me.


Now I can't seem to figure out the trick for the 3rd light cycle wave. The third tank wave eats me alive too.



I didn't care for Tron until i set it to: Controls C "Absolute Aim".


That worked MUCH better.


What contols do you guys use?




PS... Are the updated graphics in the full version any good?


I might get this one... I loved Tron in the Arcade! Bring on Star Wars: The Arcade Game, NOW!!!

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Hey! I got past the second set of levels on Tron. I had never been able to do that before.


Yes. I suck. :P The tanks always get me.


Now I can't seem to figure out the trick for the 3rd light cycle wave. The third tank wave eats me alive too.



I didn't care for Tron until i set it to: Controls C "Absolute Aim".


That worked MUCH better.


What contols do you guys use?




PS... Are the updated graphics in the full version any good?


I might get this one... I loved Tron in the Arcade! Bring on Star Wars: The Arcade Game, NOW!!!


I played one game on control type A, and then I checked to see what control options there were. I set it to type C and never looked back.


The updated graphics are minimal. They're somewhere between no updated graphics and the mild Konami graphical updates. I have mine set to updated graphics now because I like the sparkle effect at the IO tower, but it's merely a matter of preference. I think the music is a little bit better when you set it to updated too, although that might be my imagination.


Almost got to the 4th level set tonight. I beat the 3rd tank wave but the light cycles on that level still kick my ass.

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  • 3 weeks later...



January 28, 2008 - This week the wait for one of our most anticipated Xbox Live Arcade games ends. Wednesday will see the release of Rez HD, the wire-frame music game originally released on the PlayStation 2 and Dreamcast. Developed by Q Entertainment, makers of Lumines and Every Extend Extra, Rez has a dedicated cult following that has been eagerly awaiting this new release.


This Hump Day will also usher in Chessmaster Live, a downloadable version of Ubisoft's successful Chessmaster series. One of the unique features in the XBLA version is "message chess," which allows a game to be played out over a matter of days, weeks, or months.

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January 28, 2008 - This week the wait for one of our most anticipated Xbox Live Arcade games ends. Wednesday will see the release of Rez HD, the wire-frame music game originally released on the PlayStation 2 and Dreamcast. Developed by Q Entertainment, makers of Lumines and Every Extend Extra, Rez has a dedicated cult following that has been eagerly awaiting this new release.


This Hump Day will also usher in Chessmaster Live, a downloadable version of Ubisoft's successful Chessmaster series. One of the unique features in the XBLA version is "message chess," which allows a game to be played out over a matter of days, weeks, or months.



Rez HD!!! cool!!!


I remember playing Capture the Flag by Carr Software with the play by email option....that was fun.

And i remember playing Empire by email also..... that was a looong time ago....



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And i remember playing Empire by email also..... that was a looong time ago....


Empire rocked.


This morning I tried out Chessmaster and Rez HD.


I don't expect much out of boardgame collections, but Spyglass Boardgames managed to underperform even with that lowered standard. On the other hand, I expect a bit more out of something like Chessmaster, a name which has stood for high quality computer chess since the early 80s. Chessmaster didn't disappoint, and delivered what I expected and wanted: a pretty chess game with a few different boards, effective camera, and local multiplayer. I might get this one.


For years now, I've heard raves about Rez HD. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that games 'elite' gamers tend to rave about tend to not be very good (something I worry about every time I recommend Dark Wizard). Time and time again this has been proven to me through games which are just plain bad, but which receive tons of hardcore gamer praise: Ikaruga, Guardian Heroes, Virtua Fighter, etc. So, as I was going into the Rez trial version, I was prepared for the worst.


I love the graphical style, and the musical beat. The experience was almost zonerific. Then I reached the first boss. I have no idea how I died. I just did. I couldn't see any rationale for it at all. One moment I was locking on and shooting away, the next I was seeing 'Game Over, you failed' on the screen.


I really don't know what to think about Rez HD. The visuals and beat were hypnotic, but the gameplay didn't strike me as particularly engaging. In some ways it really seemed like a poor man's Panzer Dragoon. In the end, I don't know. I'll have to try it a few more times and figure out how and why I died at the boss.


I do know one thing, boss battles are a surefire way to ruin any zoner.

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Chessmaster eh? boy i'd like to see an update version of Battle Chess. That game was damn good back in the 80's on the ol' Tandy.


The main problem with Battle Chess was it's claim to fame, the animations. They took too long and were boring after you'd seen them a couple of times. Tactical RPGs with specialized battle animations have the same problem, and when the option is available I would imagine most people turn them off so they can get on with the activity of playing.


It's not a bad idea, though. If the animations are quick and have enough variety, not to mention seamlessly integrated with no load times, then they're a welcome addition. Maybe one day some developer will actually implement them like that.


Well, my weakness for chess struck, and I paid the 800 points for Chessmaster. The trial version just presented a much better package than the Spyglass Boardgames did even with more games on the latter. Upon getting the real version, I appreciated the vast selection of AI virtual opponents (difficulty levels) to play against. The game also just presents a better atmosphere than Spyglass did. Maybe I'll do a month of Live Gold and get my pathetic butt kicked.


I tried to get into Rez, but the demo didn't offer anything appealling. It would have been better if it had at least been memorably bad, because then I could have ranted about it a bit. Instead, I just yawned and deleted it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Today I feel the need to speak about Rocketmen: Axis of Evil.


Rocketmen is a licensed videogame installment of a Wizkids strategy game. I've never seen this strategy game, but I understand it involves buying lots of card packs which you punch out pieces and assemble paper spaceship miniatures. Being a tabletop game, it's a turn based affair with players competing against each other.


Those who know anything about WizKids also know it's something of a descendant of FASA of old. If you remember FASA, you might also remember their big franchises: Battletech and Shadowrun. It seems FASA's tactical properties, in making the jump to videogames, were almost always compromised and morphed into forgettable action games. In recent memory, Battletech became the miserable MechAssault franchise and Shadowrun became a bland by the numbers FPS. Rocketmen is a sign that WizKids is determined to follow in those same footsteps.


As Shadowrun got turned into a me-too FPS, Rocketmen has been morphed into a me-too omni-shooter in the vein of Smash TV. As you might have noticed, there have been quite a few games in this genre made available on Xbox Live and the Playstation Store, and the genre has some phenomenal heavy hitters like Geometry Wars and Super Stardust HD. The field is packed, but a game with a really good implementation of the omni-shooter style would still be welcome. As you might guess, Rocketmen is not a good implementation of the style.


I've said that the omni-shooter is a hard style of game to screw up. The bad news is that lately there have been a few developers actively trying to make a bad one. It's the only excuse I can think of for Nucleus, Cash Guns Chaos, and Small Arms. The only good thing I can think of to say about Rocketmen is that it's not a wretched pile of filth, which makes it better than those 3 I just listed, but little else.


Rocketmen has a lot of problems. It's ugly. It looks like a low rent N64 game. It's slow and anything but frantic, but to counterbalance this the enemy bullets travel extremely fast. There are obstacles which limit your movement, which might be a good idea if the game didn't control like molasses and such obstacles were a bit easier to pick out from the background. Your shots are wimpy and your firing rate is generally slow. But it's worst sin is much more fundamental. It's freakin' boring. Yes, this is an omni-shooter which will have you reaching for the no-doz in order to tolerate it's absolute lack of anything resembling entertainment.


The only reason for this rant is my utter amazement about this game even existing. I can only assume the developers of this game were big fans of the tabletop game. I can't think of any reason why anyone would want to develop a game for such a throwaway and generic property such as this. We're not talking about a top tier, mid tier, or even low tier collectible game here. We're talking sub-basement stuff. But if these people were fans of the tabletop game, why toss that out and make it an omni-shooter? While we're at it, why does the videogame focus on humanoids running around corridors shooting stuff when the game it's based on focuses on spaceships fighting other spaceships in space?? At least MechAssault and Shadowrun had a tangetical attachment to their parent properties, but this lacks even that tissue-thin rationale. The Chewbacca Defense makes more sense than this game, and that's before I even take into account the fact that it sucks!

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Got the new xbox mag yesterday, and low and behold.

Vigilante 8: Arcade for XBLA!




I loved that game on Dreamcast!




In addition to local split-screen mode, multiple players will be able take their car-crushing skills online, competing and/or teaming up with other V8 players the world over!


Awesome! Spring is not too far away either!

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Damn I paid full price for Assault Heroes. Really good game.


$5 for Doom is a good deal too, but I run a DOS box AND have it on my modded XBox 1.


No one seems to have commented in this thread about the free Undertow game from awhile back. I played it for the first time this weekend (downloaded it when it was free but never played it). It is OK but I'm glad it was free.



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No one seems to have commented in this thread about the free Undertow game from awhile back. I played it for the first time this weekend (downloaded it when it was free but never played it). It is OK but I'm glad it was free.




I think it had it's own thread. Yes that game was great fun but only for a short time. I forced myself to get the 10k kills (so I could get the free gamerpic)

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  • 1 month later...

I just downloaded the trailers for 1942: Joint Strike and Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3.


They're both 3D version of the 1942 and Commando respectively. I guess this means I didn't know there was a Commando 2.


They look interesting. I'll have to checkout the demos when they come out. Apparently when you purchase Commando 3 you also get a free copy of the Streetfighter II beta.

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  • 6 months later...
Got the new xbox mag yesterday, and low and behold.

Vigilante 8: Arcade for XBLA!




I loved that game on Dreamcast!






It's out this wednesday! I'd buy it but I don't have any points right now.

But I will get the demo....


Anyone else trying it? I bet Moycon will be all over it!



Edited by Zeptari1
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