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Atari 800 programs...

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One I recently starting playing was H2O - kinda fun.


Here goes some off the to pof my head:



Donkey Kong



Slime (800 only)

Any of the Ultima series (if you like RPG)

Alternate Reality the City and Dungeon (another RPG)


Rescue on Fractulus

Ball Blazer

Bruce Lee

Whistlers Brother

Candy Factory


Get Away

Salmons Run

Miner 2049'er


If want more I can list them - hopefully you can get started on these :)

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So so many great games. I haven't listed any sports or adventure games as I didn't have any interest in them. Off the top of my head personal favourites -


Rescue on Fractalus - fantastic 3D pilot rescue game from Lucasfilm that had input from mr star wars George Lucas.


Zybex - Another space game, probably the best side scoller on the atari with excellent graphics, solid music and very fast aliens.


Bruce Lee - One of my favourite platormers, quite easy to complete. (which has been very faithfully recreated on the PC. http://www.planetflibble.com/blitz/) Collect lanterns and avoid the Green Yamo and weedy ninja.


Boulderdash I and II - Puzzle game with Rockford, a creature collecting diamonds whilst striving to avoid Fireflies, butterflies and falling boulders. Perfect sound and extremely well thought out puzzles.


Druid - If you liked the game Gauntlet, ignore the official US Gold Atari version and go for this infinitely superior game. Much better graphics and far more interesting and deeper gameplay.


Plastron - If you liked the game Moon Patrol try this. One of the later atari releases but absolutely stunning sound and graphics. Even if you don't like this kind of game it's a marvellous demonstration of the atari capabilites.


Alley Cat - Marvellously inventive game with you playing as a cat trying to woo a female cat through a series of games, such as catching mice in a giant block of cheese, catching birds and much more. The digitised cartoon style sound effects are hilarious.


Necromancer - Another very interesting game with you as a Necromancer growing trees to use to crush evil spider eggs and ulitmatly fight a bad spirit in a graveyard.


Mediator - Beautiful game that never seemed to attract much attention for some odd reason. The programming must be marvellous when you realise all the different subgames and songs have been crammed into 48k


Fort Apocolypse - Another rescue game with you flying a helicopter, using teleporters and shooting enemy tanks and helicopters. Similiar to choplitfer but much better.


Dropzone - An update of Defender but beautifully done. The author, Archer McClean, did a supberb fighting game called International Karate. Anyone know if he planned any others or considered IK+?


Attack of the Mutant Camels - a five kilobyte game doesn't offer much variety yet for a solid bit of side on blasting, try this.


Pharoh's Curse - Another game I loved as a child. Yet again, a platorm game with you collecting gold statues whilst being chased by a mummy and pharoh. Quirky gameplay and sound.


Fued - You collect herbs in this to create spells to fight your brother. Needs patience and has one minor bug (one of the herbs cannot be picked up) but lovely monochrome graphics


Ollies Follies / Ghostchaser - Two more good platform games.


Head Over Heels - A game that from Ultimate PLay the game (now Rare, who do lots of nintendo games, including the N64s Goldeneye) that was available on almost every 8bit game in the eighties. Isometric graphics with basic sound this sees you trying to find pieces of something over hundreds of rooms. You control two characters who can, when they sometimes meet, combine their talents to solve puzzles. Great, great game.


Jet Boot Jack - I'm starting to notice my bias towards platform games. Here you collect musical notes while avoiding hanging meanies. Solid game with good graphics and sound.


Encounter - A Battlezone update. When playing this 3D tank game you will unconciously duck in your seat as missiles go flying past. Very fast and very, very good.


Bounty Bob Strikes Back - Probably the most popular atari 8-bit platform game. If you hate platorm games (and thus render most of my recommendations useless) have a look at this anyway purely for the best, bar none, highscore table I have seen anywhere. Very talented birds. (go here www.bigfivesoftware.com to read all about the game and get a PC version)


I know there are loads of titles I haven't touched on but this should be a good start.


As for emulated games go to http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/atari/ or [/b]"]http://atarigame.cjb.net/

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A couple more recomendations...


Star Raiders - One of the earliest atari games and, for its age, incredibly advanced. Fly your spacecraft all over the galaxy shooting at bad guys the Zylons, travel through hyperspace, dock at spacestations, all in 3D and impossibly crammed into 8K. This game is worth obtaining purely for its historical value (I believe it was written in 1979) but, over twenty years later, is still a great blast.


Timeslip - A game that looks quite complex but is essentially a right to left 'shoot-em-up' game, albiet one that requires some thought as well as good reactions. Excellent use of the atari's Display List Interupt means the game is gorgeously coloured.


Preppie and Preppie II - The first is a clone of Frogger and the second has you painting, as far as I can remeber, tennis courts while being chased by giant frogs. Very playable.


Pole Position - Even though this only has one track this game deserves a play due to it being a decent game with decent graphics. My favourite racing game from the atari's limited selection (Great American Country Roadrace is one I haven't played but meant to be good).


The Goonies - Not the best looking game I've played and suffers from having to load each level from tape but still got great playability. Takes parts of the film and makes good puzzles, with you being responsible for the safey of two characters. Like the original film, not a classic but you still never complain when it comes on television.


Cavernia - Lovely platform game created towards the end of the atari's uk commercial release history. Published by Zeppelin games (also responsible for the superb Zybex) you explore underground caverns hunting treasure and try to dodge spikes, stalagtites and monsters. Nothing overly original but the production of this title is superb.


Spy Vs Spy II - the Island Caper - A game that makes me laugh every time I play it. Taken from the american humour magazine Mad this has two spies setting booby traps on an island to stop the other collecting the three components of a missile. The closest that there's been to playing a cartoon with black humour this series also consists of Spy Vs Spy 1 and Spy Vs Spy III Artic Antics.


Alternate Reality the City and Alternate Reality the Dungeon - I've only played a little of these titles but both games are considered some of the best role playing titles on the atari. From the start, absolutely great graphics which, I suppose, could be the 8-bit's Final Fantasy series.


Flight Simulator If you want to fly a Cessena plane, get this. The level of detail is so great I recall an article in New Atari User magazine where a fan of the game graduated from the software to flying the real life equivalent plane (though probably with the benefit of some flying lessons as well, I presume). Solo Flight is another title that's been recomended by many reviewers over the years.

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  • 1 year later...
#1 - M.U.L.E.

Arcon 1 & 2

Spy vs spy 1 & 2

Jumpman jr.




Floyd of the Jungle

Mountain King


Azteck Challenge 1& 2

Oil Well



Tapper , and many more*


I hope you noticed this thread was over a year old before you posted a response.

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