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Mord's Blog - Found the problem. x_x


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I use the stack pointer as an extra register during the gamefield zone scanlines, namely to keep track of the scanlines to generate - it's faster than updating ram itself. Problem ended up I was setting the stack pointer before the last sprite positioning subroutine call that I added in to the zone between status bar and gamefield. This corrupted the playfield that was intended then returned the stack value to "normal" so the screen would still generate the proper number of scanlines.


Noticed it after procrastinating on the code all day, then saw it right before bed. So left a comment to find it again today as I was way too tired to rearrange code last night.


Oh well, now that that's fixed it's time to find those extra few cycles I need. I think I freed up a few cycles in the process all the same so I may have the time now to set the sprite's direction & size/copies. :)


In a way I'm glad the playfield was the values that were corrupted. I might not have noticed it until sometime later if it was something not graphically displayed.



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