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Does anyone have a OneStation?


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  • 2 months later...
Check out DealExtreme.com




This is the same site that used to be The Fifth Unit, which is where I got my OneStation, so I can confirm that they're reliable. They also have free shipping on most of the games which sure as hell beats the ridiculous shipping prices other Hong Kong based sites have.


They also now have the best selection of games. When I ordered from them, they didn't have any games available, so I had to get my system from them (because they have the cooler design that no one else carries) and games from SuperUFO.com, which is why I ended up paying so much for my system including shipping. If you can get everything you want from DealExtreme, the system is definitely a great deal.


They have a ton of new Genesis multicarts that I haven't really looked over in any detail, but I noticed titles like Gunstar Heroes, Alien Soldier, Steel Empire, Power Drive Rally, Shinobi 3, etc. Very nice selection. ON the other hand, they don't seem to have any of the cartridges with JungleTac's original 8- or 16-bit games, but I don't htink most people are interested in those.



...word is bondage...




Wow this looks like it might be cool toy to have... does anyone who has one know if the NES cart has a Zelda game as well as Super Mario? If it does, I would grab this up in a minute.

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I know this is an older thread, but a bunch of the onestation carts have gone on clearnace at superufo.com. I thought that some may be interested.






Here is a search on superufo that shows a number of carts (I think it's funny how some have 4 games and others have 35 for the same price, but I know some of those 35 may be just parts of games from what other posters have said about famiclones):



Here is the one station itself (out of stock):


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  • 2 weeks later...
I have 10 or so 99in1(E) carts for the OneStation Elite that i don´t need...


So if somebody is interested in trading... let me know



i´m talking about this cart:



Interesting. The games featured on the youtube video are different than mine. Ah, if only you lived locally I'd be interested, as I have the other 99-in-1 cart.

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I ordered myself one of these contraptions, the Elite (backordered at the moment, should have more in on the 30th). They look fun and from what I have read, the Elite is the better build. Picked up a couple 99-in-1 carts for it, though I am sure a bunch will overlap, they're dirt cheap, and I am banking on the off chance that there are some games on one that are not on the other. If not, oh well, what, I'm out $4?


If anyone knows of more variety than the NES/Famicom stuff on the 99 in 1 carts, let me know. There were a couple things mentioned that I am unfamiliar with (JungleTac?).

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