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Rambling With Rogmeister - My Latest Game (Plus A Sad Personal Note)


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Well, I finally got Crash Twinsanity for the Xbox today. I had ordered it back on December 2nd from an Amazon Marketplace seller. And it's no wonder I didn't get it until now. The guy didn't even mail it until 2 days ago! He takes my money and waits 2 weeks to mail it? What's up withn that? Of course, I don't know the explanation...perhaps he was out of town or something. I guess I shouldn't complain without knowing the facts. I did get it for just $8 or so and, though used, it looks to be in excellent condition.


Here's something odd, though. It came with two instruction manuals. One is in English...the other is either Spanish or French, I'm not really sure.


I'm mostly keeping this blog for videogaming entries but I did feel I should mention one personal thing today...my guinea pig Cocoa passed away over the weekend. I found her outside my door one spring morning so I took her in and she stayed for the next 3 years and 8 months until her death. My pets mean a lot to me and this is a truly sad moment for me.



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