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jboypacman's Blog - Game reviews not that important anymore.


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You know i have come to realize that Video game reviews are not that important anymore.Well.let me rephrase that,Video game reviews are not that important to me anymore.I mean come on am known for buying and loving crappy games.Space Jockey,2600 Pac-Man,Sub-Scan,and am sure there are others that i love that game reviewers just trash.So after thinking on this for quite awhile i decided that i just dont need a game reviewer telling me what they think is the best and what is the worst game out there.Am going to like what i like and thats it.Now i will still read a review just to hear what the games are about and to get a description of what it looks like.But as always in the end i will decide what i will want to buy and play.Thats just what i feel about it.Thanks for reading.



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