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Mord's Blog - Christmas bonus


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The company I work for gave out cheques for 1 week's pay to employees since it was another record breaking year for the company (compared to it's performance in previous years and whatnot) So it looks like I may be able to place an order in the AA store after all. Still can't get much, and certainly can't spend over 100 for the free christmas cart, but I'm definitely going to look into an Atarivox if nothing else.


With regards to the rom, more work is necessary than I originally expected for this version. Don't know if I'll have version 0.011 done before christmas. Got some timing issues to look at and make sure the way I'm storing sprites is handled properly. The way it's done right now, with sprites interweaved, I have to make sure that I adjust the SpriteEnd variables for P0 and P1 depending on if they're even or odd. If it's the wrong value (thanks to the scanline pair approach) then it'll show the wrong sprite and usually a cut up portion of it. An easier fix would add two lines for every line of sprite in the rom but that's more waste than I feel comfortable with.



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