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jboypacman's Blog - It doesnt get any better than this!


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Tonight was "guys"night.Which means i drive 20mins.to my friend Marc's and hang out with him and our other friend Zeta.Most of the time we all run out to the mall and look at dvds and videogames and then head back to Marc's house and either watch a movie or play videogames.Pretty regular stuff for a bunch of dorks to do i guess.Tonight we got to talking about the evolution of videogames.We all seem to have the same sort of story.Playing Super Mario Bros.when it first came out on the NES and saying"It doesnt get any better than this!"Now fast forward afew years later and Street Fighter 2 for the SNES comes out and we all once again say"It doesnt get any better than this!".So you can imagine that this keeps going down the line which each new game system.All of this got me to think of a few things,1)How far along can these game companies and developers go with video games?and 2)We are truly lucky to have but are spoiled by video games.I mean they just keep making games better and better.Once we were impressed by afew blocks on a tv screen that we could move by using a paddle.Now if you cant go on the internet or see the details of a videogame heros nose hair then your game is thought of as crap.Looking at games for the XBox360 and PS3 running in all there glory at the department store displays these things are looking a little too real for me.Whats next?they are going to be using holograms and beam them into your living room!Sorry,gang but am not ready to live in the Star Trek universe.Man,all these younger kids look at Atari 2600 games and cant even imagine playing something like Combat or Air-Sea Battle."There is only one button"and "Why doesnt this Joystick rumble?"these are what would be coming out of there mouths.Thanks but no thanks i will stick to Pac-Man,Space Invaders,and Donkey Kong.But am not totally against new game systems and games,after the hoildays i hope to pick up a Nintendo64 and some games.Mario Kart 64 anyone?



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