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atari2600land's Blog - Wear Your Love Like Heaven


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I watched that Barbara Walters special on Heaven last night. The last thing I want to do is have a deep argument about religion here, but I had no idea that most everyone believes there is such a place. I thought it was very interesting, and had interviews with the Dalai Lama and an unsuccessful suicide bomber who was in jail (who said anyone who isn't Muslim is going to Hell). Another interesting thing is that the part about Islam beliefs that there are 72 virgins in Heaven doesn't come from the Koran, but something else that Mohammed wrote, I think it's kind of like the Christians' apocryhpa (sp?) Well, anyway, I plan on going to Game Crazy today, my stomach doesn't hurt anymore, but for the last few days I've had a pain where they took out one of my wisdom teeth, which is weird because the pain started a few days ago, but the tooth was taken out in November. Anyway, wish me luck at Game Crazy. ;)



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