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Flack's Daily Smack - The Calm before the Storm


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Ol' Santa brought one of Morgan's gifts early ... a case of pink eye. The doctor at the weekend clinic yesterday said it spread from an upper respiratory infection she contracted. So along with some other medicine, we also have to administer eye drops to the 18-month-old. Fun. Last night that involved waking Morg up at midnigt and using a warm cloth to wipe the gunk from her eye so that we could open it and squeeze eye drops into her eyeball. And let me tell you, what child doesn't love being woke from a deep sleep only to have her eye forcibly pried open and filled with medicine. Feliz Navidad, little one.


Of course Morgan's sore throat has spread throughout the house. Mason seems to be the only one unaffected, and who knows for how long. Morgan got up for the day at 3am (Susan got up with her). By the time I got up, both kids were awake and Susan was ready for her nap -- and when she awoke, I was ready for mine. Mason took a two-hour nap somewhere in the middle of the day; Morgan had a short one earlier, and needs another one before company arrives in a few hours.


Susan just left to run to the store for a few last minute items for our Christmas party tonight. She took Morgan with her, and Mason's asleep. I know the next few minutes will be my last taste of silence for a day or two.



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