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atari2600land's Blog - 2-player very first draft


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I don't know if this is going to work or not.


This first draft (press switch select to get the last digit on the title screen to "2" to get to) is kind of like a test. For this, I just made a simple Indy 500-like track with no goal, just to see if I could make anything out of it. In almost all of the mazes, there isn't any (or hardly any) room to make 2 subs start at it, so I just thought something in the style of Indy 500 would be good, like an Indy 500 minigame where you don't need the driving controller to make it work. Doing just this makes only 191 bytes left in the first bank! Plus, I was thinking of making the ball a finish line/lap line, although I don't know how to prevent cheating (I guess track the player at the 4 corners somehow, although I don't exactly know how I'd go about doing so.) I'm stretching my brain so much over this that it's about ready to snap. Any thoughts/comments on what I've done so far here? My head hurts.




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