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ubikuberalles' Blog - The Game of REVERSE


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For my next JavaScript project I decided to convert an old BASIC program I got from David Ahl's book BASIC computer games. It's a game called REVERSE and I first got it working on my Altair computer nearly 30 years ago. It was a text game but I was able to create a non-text version of the game (just use your mouse to play - no typing needed) in JavaScript. Here it is. I was able to complete a game in only 4 moves. Let's see if you can match or beat that. I hope you enjoy it.


With this program I learned a couple things about Geocities and JavaScript. I originally wrote the REVERSE program in the file reverse.js and then had the reverse.html file reference it in a SCRIPT tag. It didn't work. It works when the files are on my PC but not when the files are in the Geocities directory. To fix the problem I just pasted the contents of reverse.js into reverse.html. That's rather annoying and it would make it impossible for me to store JavaScript libraries on Geocities. I'll need to find another web site to store my JavaScript programs, especially if I am going to write more complicated programs that require program libraries.


I'm not sure what I want to do next. I'm not ready to do a mad libs game, like PDF asked (I'll need a couple Mad Lib scripts before I can start) but I'll give it a try in the near future. Time to look through Dave Ahl's book again. :)



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