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Flack's Daily Smack - Happy New Year's!


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It seems our battle with the creeping crud still isn't over. Mason was lethargic and cranky all day New Year's Eve. Susan's had the worst of it; she's really feeling awful (I suspect sinus infection at this point, and trust me I would know). Mason had a sleep over at a friend's house, so it was just Susan, Morgan and me until Susan's sister and two of her three kids came over. Susan cooked a big pot of chili and made cheese dip and we ate a bunch of cookies and junk ... boy is the diet in sad shape this week. The party went okay until around 10:30pm when Morgan woke up and started throwing up all over the place. So, the company left, Susan bathed Morgan and changed crib sheets, while I finished off a rum and Coke and watched the end of the Seinfeld marathon. After Morgan went back to sleep, Susan and I ended up sitting on the couch, flipping channels and prodding each other to stay awake until midnight. Woo.


Here's a funny story from Saturday. One of our friend's little sister got married this past Saturday. The wedding was at three. After rushing around to get ready and get a babysitter lined up, we drove across town to find ... an empty parking lot. Turns out, the wedding was on Friday, not Saturday. Susan has been so sick this past week that she must've somehow got the dates mixed up or something. We ended up going to Sophabella's (Chicago-style food, now open in Yukon) and having some drinks and a pizza instead. There are only so many places you can go in a suit at 3pm on a Saturday.



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