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Planet Bob - Plans for 2007


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Hi there!


Just trying to get my bits together, making something like a ToDo list for 2007.


In 2007 I want to:


- Become a father again. Chances are best in May :ponder: :D


- Finish Colony 7. A second must.


- Start / Finish / Work on some other 2600 programming projects. We'll see. Son Son, Water Ski, GtA, Galaxy Wars... the list is long :)


- Continue working on Park Patrol for the NES.


- Finish my 2600 'essential' collection. I'm already down to just 2 remaining eBay searches: Tunnel Runner and Turmoil. Those two aside, my personal selection of essentials contains another 39 games, though half of them still need some "verification". That means I need to seriously play them for 10 or more hours on the real thing. Once I'm done with this, I'm planning to write some reviews about the "survivors" of this ~ 8 year elimination process (I started with some 2000+ binaries and 300+ cartridges back then). Some small articles, highlighting why I think those games are essential :) And once I'm finished with the buying, I can start selling the "unwanted garbage" :lol:


- Continue reviewing the Coleco library. Basically I'm doing the same as with the 2600 games library. Only the Coleco not even passed the "10 essential titles minimum" yet. This'll get interesting. I don't consider a system with less than 10 ultimate games worth owning, so it's still all or nothing for the Coleco. Will it pass like the 2600 or will it fail misreably like the Intellivision, 7800 and Odyssey 2? 2007 may bring me closer to the answer :)


- Actually watch the Godfather trilogy I got for Christmas :)


- Play many NES HSC games. I love the NES.


- Borrow my brothers PSP and play Ultimate G'n'G. He already let me play the first 2 levels when we met on Christmas and what can I say, I'm totally blown away!


- Play X². Now that my wifes new computer is fast enough, there's no more excuses ;)


- Write another series of Blog articles like the one about the Graftgold games, possibly focusing on System 3 this time.


- Write another series of Blog articles like the one about Ghosts'n'Goblins versions, possibly focusing on Wizball this time.


That's what I can think of at the moment...






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