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Bob's Blog - 2006 Year In Review


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SO. I had plans for 2006:

QUOTE1. Write something for the SC contest. I was ambivalent about this when I first heard about it, but I'm starting to get a little more enthused. I just need to come up with an idea...

2. Write standard (i.e., cartridge) game for 2600. There are 3 ideas I'm kicking around for this right now. Two of them use the paddles; a paddle game is something I'd like to write at some point.

3. Port Go Fish! to the A8. :D

4. Write something(s) for the 2006 minigame compo.


Oh-fer! I rock!


In more detail:

QUOTE1. Write something for the SC contest. I was ambivalent about this when I first heard about it, but I'm starting to get a little more enthused. I just need to come up with an idea...

I came up with an idea and did maybe 15-25% of the programming. Got a little bogged down with the SC's/2600's limitations and didn't really have time last summer for much programming. I am thinking about picking this up again, but other projects have a higher priority.

QUOTE2. Write standard (i.e., cartridge) game for 2600. There are 3 ideas I'm kicking around for this right now. Two of them use the paddles; a paddle game is something I'd like to write at some point.

Started a bunch of stuff but didn't really come close to finishing anything. Made a big push to get the Elevators+Maid game done by Christmas but my involvement with Toyshop Trouble pretty much sunk that idea. I did contribute to a couple games, though.

QUOTE3. Port Go Fish! to the A8. :D

Yeah. I still would like to develop something for the 800, but other than a lot of reading I didn't get anywhere with this.

QUOTE4. Write something(s) for the 2006 minigame compo.

Again, my busy summer killed all chances of submitting something to the competition. Maybe in 2007!


So...what the hell did I do? I'll quickly review partly to motivate me, partly to cheer myself up. :lol:


Contributed to several homebrews. Did the most work for BlipFootball; wrote the kernel and music driver. Tommy did the music for that, by the way. Did the music for Four-Play; composed the tune (with help from Tommy) and wrote the driver for it. With Tommy, again, wrote music and driver for RPS homebrew. The music may not make it into the game and the game wasn't released, though. Also helped with Toyshop Trouble.


Got maybe 50% done with the Elevators+Maid game.


Wrote many demos: Metroid is probably my favorite, also several different music drivers, tried to develop an intelliflicker routine that used both sprites - which kinda worked, and a four-player shooter (using paddles).


Started the NES High Score Club. :)


Wasn't a lost year for sure, but didn't quite go the way I hoped a year ago. :ponder: Shocking, I know.



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