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That thing goes upside-down!


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That's just about the most amazing thing I've ever seen. I always thought controllers should be made with the buttons on the other side for us left handed people. I still can't decide if it's an advantage though. All these years of having it the other way kinda ruined me.


Anyway, that one really surprised me.

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I still can't decide if it's an advantage though.

It is.


There, was that so hard?



i remember my first pc gamepad the gravis white one with the 4 buttons and purple pad had a switch so you could use it upside down only used it that way once



it was a novelty nobody ever used it that way

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It's cool, but I believe that the "flip code" is on the games themselves and not in the hardware. It seems to me that some games don't use this option. Not sure though.


It's also pretty cool, as the Lynx, is the only system (that I'm aware of) that has this feature.


Still, it's pretty much a pointless feature, as pretty much every other controller on the planet is built the same way, even lefty's should have adapted long ago.

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Still, it's pretty much a pointless feature, as pretty much every other controller on the planet is built the same way, even lefty's should have adapted long ago.

Let me get this straight-- You are not left-handed, but you've decided that a feature intended primarily for left-handed people is "pointless".


If you'll pardon my incredulity, that can't possibly be what you actually meant. Expressing a sentiment like that would mark a person as some kind of vacuous self-centered half-wit. So surely I've misunderstood the intent you're attempting to convey.

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It's cool, but I believe that the "flip code" is on the games themselves and not in the hardware. It seems to me that some games don't use this option. Not sure though.


There is good HW-support for flipping. All the games _should_ include checking for Pause, Reset and Flip. It is the way the Lynx developers documentation wants the games to be written.


But there is nothing that enforces you to do anything. The buttons are just mapped in the same byte as the joystick bits so you can as well use the buttons for anything else.


But in the MegaPak release all the developers have honored the flip. It is a nice feature.




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When the Lynx first came out and I found out that the hardware had this feature, I felt like for the first time someone understood. A righthanded person does not know what it is like to be confronted every day of your life with the fact that you are lefthanded. We live in a world that is designed for righthanded people.

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There is good HW-support for flipping. All the games _should_ include checking for Pause, Reset and Flip. It is the way the Lynx developers documentation wants the games to be written.


But there is nothing that enforces you to do anything. The buttons are just mapped in the same byte as the joystick bits so you can as well use the buttons for anything else.


But in the MegaPak release all the developers have honored the flip. It is a nice feature.


I'll have to go look, but I believe Steel Talons doesn't use the flip feature. And I wouldn't swear taht Klax uses it (though it's sideways, so it should cover left or right handed anyways)


Still, it's pretty much a pointless feature, as pretty much every other controller on the planet is built the same way, even lefty's should have adapted long ago.

Let me get this straight-- You are not left-handed, but you've decided that a feature intended primarily for left-handed people is "pointless".


Did I at any point say I was (or was not for that matter) left handed? Actually, I'm ambedextrous (hopw I got that right) though it leans more to the left, but I've found very little in this world that really depends on being a lefty or a righty.


Seriously, if a controller, with just a hand full of buttons is really that much of a problem, why not bitch that there are no left handed keyboards, or some other useless crap?


I seriously wasn't aware that I should be complaining cause the controll knobs on most TV's are on the right side of the system.


Seriously now though, The Joystic for the Atari used the buttons on the left, pretty much all one button sticks did. Arcade sticks use the buttons on the right, and most controllers I've ever come across use the buttons on the right as well. If it was a problem, there would be options out there. The lack of options kind of implies that there is no problem, now doesn't it?


If you'll pardon my incredulity, that can't possibly be what you actually meant. Expressing a sentiment like that would mark a person as some kind of vacuous self-centered half-wit. So surely I've misunderstood the intent you're attempting to convey.


Actually, I said exactly what I meant, and how did it come out as self centered... or half witted for that matter?


It could be an opinion, I suppose, but in real life, I've never come across anything that really requires you to use your left, or right hand. Even things such as scisors that are molded for right handedness, still are just as easy to use left handed. It just looks stupid, but if your that concerend with looks, you got bigger problems than weather the world is set up to be left or right handed.


I don't know, maybe I offended you in some way (which would imply that your left handed) If not, what's the complaint?

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I just checked and it appears that NONE of my games will do this. I guess there's something else wrong with my lynx. Heh :P (edit) Maybe I thought steel talons didn't cause it convienantly was the first game I tried after the button broke? :P Oh well.


As long as it still works the D pad and buttons, I'm not going to mess with it.

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I thought that was a cool feature, but I really hates Gauntlet 3, which had you hold the system in portrait mode. That got really tiring on a Lynx 1.


I'm not completely sure on this, but it seems like there were quite a few arcade games that had a similar aspect ratio (perhaps there was a version of gauntlet that did this? Not sure...) where the display was longer instead of wider. I personally think this could have resulted in an excellent version of Kangaroo for the Lynx... *sigh*... I'll just have to keep dreaming, though. :D

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