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keilbaca's rants - Looks like I'm moving home...


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Yep folks, I'm going back home to Pennsylvania. My enlistment is up, and I should be home by the end of January. Texas has brought me very few positives, but a really, really bad taste in my mouth, as you all have seen from my last blog for example.


As I am very glad of going home and my military credit card will be completely paid off, I am losing Jaimee. She decided to stay with joining the air force, and not even a month after we're back, she is going to boot camp.


All in all, the air force has been a very... interesting trip. It had its many ups and downs, and I wouldn't change any situation or decision that I have made, as it wouldn't have gotten to where I am at today. I'm excited about going home and possibly starting something with Todd, a good friend of mine, and to have access to my dad's tools and saws again, so I can build my mame machine that I want to do.


Doug, I hope we come to meet, we have a Quadrun competition to run ;)


Anna and Shaun, you two hopefully can make it down as well.


I'm excited to see my family and friends again at home, its going to be nice again to go to the mall with Nick, and do some stupid stuff, to possibly get us kicked out. Oh and when we decide to go to the mall in Pepsi Man (me) and Power Ranger (Nick) suits and play ddr, we'll video record it.



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